I did not, and I won't go too far in depth on this topic.
I think this area, especially with the gag order—and I'll expand a bit on it—was unprecedented in the sense that most members of the Canadian Forces who operate in these areas already know and have a very good sense of what they can or cannot speak to. We entrust them with highly sensitive technical classified information, and to have a whole policy put on top of them to prevent them from speaking affected how individuals saw their job and their relationship to their position. I think in general, a lot of these individuals have a high level of belief in what they do and the importance of their role, based on their long service careers or their long service within government.
In the specific case of the fighter file and some of the events that occurred surrounding it, which I detail in the report, it was seen as unprecedented. As Colonel Drapeau has discussed several times, members had no ability to go outside of their chain of command. I think that's where you start seeing issues arise with individuals and how they see their positions. In Canada, we just don't have that culture, really, of releases of leaks.