One point I want to make is that I agree a hundred per cent with Colonel Drapeau's comment about 30 days versus 60 or 90. I believe that 30 is supposed to be one of the quickest mandated responses. When you are getting extension after extension, I would rather, as you've said, have the documentation get it right at a certain point than just having this ad hoc process.
One point that I think we've seen in the discussion, especially in the United States surrounding what happened with Snowden and other individuals, is whether all this stuff is required to be classified. How much of the documentation really should be classified?
I know that the Finnish system specifically says that nothing is classified unless it has to be specifically identified as classified. That changes the dynamics of what the burden is on ATI. I think Canada in theory has a very far-out liberal process in this. I don't say that in a negative sense but in the sense that it should very much provide documentation quickly, and in practice it really doesn't. It has these issues we've discussed today.