That's great. Thank you very much.
I'm sorry to rush you. That was a very good question.
You'll get that material to the clerk and we'll distribute it to the committee.
With that, we are out of time and over time. I very much appreciate your coming in and putting up with a starting committee here. It will be better the next time you come, but I very much appreciate your patience and the quality of your answers. It was just great. I hope to have you back. Thank you for coming.
I would now seek the indulgence of the committee for three quick things. We have some housekeeping matters.
First of all, you'll get a notice that the next meeting of the committee will probably be in room 362 of the East Block. We're not able to get this room every time. So we'll get a notice out that it will be room 362, East Block.
There is a motion from the clerk we didn't do the other day. This is about papers and documents. The following motion was not included in motions that were passed at Tuesday's meeting but is another suggested motion for routine business. I'm sorry I don't have it printed out, but the motion would be, then, that at the discretion of the chair, the clerk be authorized to purchase documents for the use of the committee. We need to have that.
Would someone move that?