Thank you.
I also want to thank the industry for the hospitality that was shown to us yesterday. That was a very interesting trip. I think we're all worn out from the very long trip back.
I guess the perils of being third on the list to ask a question is that a couple of things I wanted to ask have been answered. Tony asked one of my questions just now.
I am interested in the long-term effects and the remediation aspects. I've been asking other witnesses about what happens. What is left in the soil when it's put back and the lakes are filled in? I understand the water has been used over and over again, and I think it's great that you've been able to recycle and get the volumes down.
I agree, we shouldn't.... That's why I don't want to take it at face value that everything is wonderful and it's back to normal for the forest and the land.
I want to know, when the water has leached through, where does that go? Does it go into the rivers or the lakes in the surrounding area? What, if any, contamination is left in that, and what effect does it have on the rivers? That soil has been contaminated as well, so what effect does that have on the vegetation? If animals are eating that vegetation, what long-term effects are there? I've asked those questions. Basically, the answers were that we don't know. I have some concerns around that.
I'm just wondering, once the land is reclaimed, who owns it? Does it go back to the government? Is the government then responsible for what's left, or is there some onus on the industry to do anything further at that point?
It's a long-term effect, but I think those are the things we have to worry about and to think about. I'd like your thoughts on that.