To start with, carbon accounting is not my personal level of expertise. We could certainly point to the particular accountings on sink source and percentages and get back to you on those from a technical point of view.
One of the areas I would focus on is ensuring that we don't lose existing storage capacity in the forest wherever possible, and that we invest heavily in the existing intact forest through a variety of protected areas and conservation areas so that we first and foremost reserve our option. Clearly that won't always be possible in the direct footprint of the oil sands, but because we know this will be an ongoing issue, we're going to need to have that investment in protection as part of our overall strategy.
One of the things we've talked about with the different oil companies and different groups like Pembina is also making an investment in the carbon accounting in a way that will allow us to have more precise answers to that. I myself don't have those precise answers. My colleague may want to talk a little bit more to that.
Again, taking a precautionary approach and looking at maintaining forest cover as a fundamental part of our development strategy is essential.