As suggested, some incentives could include what we see in Ontario right now. Again, this is going back to a provincial jurisdiction, but they have the standard offer program, which is a feed-in tariff, and you have individual homeowners who are able to place or install photovoltaic panels in their rooftop, tap into the grid, and feed into the grid the excess energy they produce. That's an excellent program where people are rewarded with 42¢ a kilowatt hour. If we could see a similar program on a national scale or individually in each province, that would be an enormous contributor to helping support that technology.
That said, sometimes it's hard to look at the house as a whole, but that's the way we have to see the home now, in the future: the whole house. It's a system where, if done properly at the beginning, all the technologies are working together at the lowest cost possible and you lower the need for incentives for that home.
So if you could find a way to lower the premium, which is roughly $3,000 to $5,000 for an energy efficient home, an R-2000 home, right now, and lower the premium of an installation of a PV, for example, or geoexchange, with an incentive like the standard offer program or you could roll it into a green mortgage amortized over 25 years.... Those are ideas, right there, but that's somewhat dependent on the provincial jurisdictions.
The federal government can play a role in that, but I'd say more largely it's provincial on those kinds of incentives—the standard offer program, for example.