Yes, but the federal government still has the lever of tax instruments or other incentive options to help support that kind of deployment. And it sends a signal to the market that the Canadian government is going to help support this kind of energy generation for the future.
You're right. Provincially, utilities have a major role to play. In Ontario, as an example, right now, they have the standard offer program. It is a leading jurisdiction now across North America, and indeed the world, I would suggest, on the implementation of this program.
Interconnection with the utilities is now regulated, and people have an understanding. Suppliers and homeowners will have an understanding of how the system will evolve and that consumers will have a choice. They'll wake up and be able to say that on their next home, or on their existing home, if they choose, they want to put panels on the roof. And they won't have the barrier of an LDC—local distribution company—hat doesn't understand or doesn't wish to entertain that kind of interconnection. In fact, they may have an LDC that is keen on doing this, because it helps to reduce their peak load. There's an understanding, therefore. It's not so much how I can interconnect, but how fast I can interconnect. It's their right as homeowners to want to put this on their rooftops.