Well, our association put out a survey across Canada to determine what the impact was. We had that information sometime around December 5, stating that, yes, there was a variable impact, and the most significant impacts were, as mentioned, in Ontario, Quebec, and the maritime provinces. With that information, we started discussions, trying to determine if we had alternative resources, how would we move forward, how would we coordinate a response to ensure that our local community hospitals would function more effectively?
We were in communication with GE Healthcare, which is one of the suppliers of radiopharmaceuticals, and with Bristol-Myers Squibb, which is the other main supplier. Those departments that had contracts with Covidien, which is the European supplier, had a more sustainable supply from that point.
We got initial telephone conversations from Health Canada as a result, we believe, of our press release on December 5. On the weekend of December 8 and 9, we started to get phone calls from Health Canada requesting the development of an ad hoc committee. Dr. Gulenchyn was recruited into that initial ad hoc committee. They had their initial teleconferences on the weekend of December 8, 9, and 10, from that point. So it's been through the advisory committee that we now have better lines of communication, both with Natural Resources and with Health Canada.