Thank you for the question.
Frankly, I can't explain why the ministers would have responded the way they did. That's something you would have to take up with them.
However, if you look at the situation, NRU was already in a maintenance shutdown, and towards the end of that cycle we were informed it was not going to come back up. We did not know yet the extent of the shutdown. So we were already in a situation where inventory was depleted and we had to move.
When something like that happens we immediately move to make sure we can start sourcing isotope. What we didn't know on the night of the 21st was the extent of the outage, how long it would go on, and what the ultimate impact would be. But we already knew that we were running into inventory shortages and wanted to start getting a backup supply. So with the information we had, we executed our emergency protocol to start getting this backup supply.