Thanks very much for that, Mr. Chairman, and thanks to all the members of the committee for the invitation to appear here today. More importantly, I think we'd like to thank you for your focus on and commitment to reviewing the opportunities and challenges that are before Canada's forest sector.
I have worked with the Maritime Lumber Bureau for over 30 years. I can tell you that in that 30 years, I have not experienced a situation in which there has been a convergence of factors like we have today.
I'm aware that a number of my colleagues have appeared as witnesses before this committee as you study the issue of opportunities. And I know that you've been reminded numerous times that the forest products sector is Canada's largest industrial employer and the largest provider of high-tech jobs.
Much of the information that's already been presented before the committee reflects the situation we are experiencing in Atlantic Canada. We are experiencing a perfect storm: a strong Canadian dollar, a weakening demand, and even weaker prices. There are a number of additional challenges specific to Atlantic Canada, which I'll touch on later in my statement, that impact us directly and that others may not have talked about.
We concur with the recommendations of Avrim Lazar, of the Forest Products Association of Canada, and John Allan, of the Council of Forest Industries of B.C., earlier this week that the government can help by improving the business climate—the investment climate—through tax incentives: changes in the corporate tax rate and the capital cost allowance and refundability of R&D tax credits.
We agree with the submissions of other witnesses that in the climate change plan the industry should receive credit for measures already taken to cut greenhouse gas emissions. We would concur with previous suggestions that there are opportunities to assist with aid to develop the biomass industry as an alternative source of energy. I think the previous speaker touched on that as well.
We would also concur that the industry needs to restructure to improve efficiency. However, we would caution that rationalization does not mean regionalization. There needs to be a healthy forest sector in Ontario and Quebec and Atlantic Canada and British Columbia, not in just one of these areas.
There should not be disproportionate impacts across this country. There are—or should I say were—over 75 communities in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick where the forest industry has been the sole industrial employer. The forest products sector is and has been the cornerstone of the Atlantic economy.
Eight months ago, our records indicate, there were 97 full-time sawmills operating. If you look at provincial records you will see hundreds, but I'm talking about full-time, serious sawmills that make a year-round livelihood.
The results of our most recent survey, which took place on January 30, indicate that only 24 of those 97 are operating, and most of those are operating on reduced shifts. Over 1,500 employees have been laid off in the last six months.
In the Maritimes, the factors that result in a perfect storm are not being felt just by the manufacturing facilities. They are also being felt by 72,000 private landowners. I heard the comments earlier about that. More than 75% of the raw logs that supply maritime manufacturing facilities are sourced from private lands. The average in the rest of Canada is approximately 6%.
It is the market-based structure of the industry, with fibre costs controlled by the private sector, that results in wood costs being the highest in Canada. It is the market-based structure and the operating conditions in the region that result in the disproportionate impact of the current downturn.
I have with me three charts that demonstrate the point. I've asked the clerk to distribute them. I think you have them in front of you, and I would like to speak to them.
You're no doubt aware that it is the market-based system and the volume of private land production that has resulted in Atlantic Canada's exclusion, since 1986, from trade remedies in the Canada-U.S. softwood lumber dispute. These are the same conditions that have resulted in the historic exclusion being maintained in the current softwood lumber agreement.
Many consider this to be an advantage. Atlantic Canada did not receive an advantage. It was the only equitable conclusion that could be incorporated in the agreement if it was going to work as intended for all interested parties on both sides of the border.
Even with the exclusion, comparing the period of October 12 to December 30, 2006—and October 12 was the day the agreement entered into force—with the same period for 2007, October 12 to December 30, using Canada's Export and Import Controls Bureau's published statistics.... And you might say that's a pretty silly period, Blenkhorn, for one to use, but it's the only period that's published on Canada's export and import controls statistics, because during the most recent arbitration Canada was careful not to publish export data. So that's the period I had to use, and you will see that Canada's shipments, including for the Maritimes, to the United States have declined by 7.59%. British Columbia's shipments have declined by 6.88% and the Maritimes' shipments have declined almost double that, in the amount of 12.11%.
The other two charts simply show the gradual decline, either quarter by quarter over 2006—that's the only period where we had quarterly data leading up to the implementation of the agreement—or in annual data from 2001 to 2007. And 2001 was the beginning of the most recent softwood litigation and the exclusion of Atlantic Canada.
The vertical lines just mark the entry into force of the agreement. In looking at that, it's difficult to find any advantage. And statistics confirm what is, in our view, a disproportionate impact with the current downturn in our region. We would concur with previous witness statements, however, that government needs to find innovative ways to partner with industry and approach opportunities and challenges: everyone is suffering from coast to coast.
Our industry, coast to coast, is one of the most over-regulated industries in Canada. Government regulations impacting the forest sector cross numerous departments—Natural Resources, Environment, International Trade, Department of Agriculture, and I could go on. The litany of regulation is complex, and it's costly to both industry and government. Red tape reduction is important, and practical and effective regulation is essential to achieving a competitive business climate.
In the time remaining I'd like to outline an issue that's currently facing the Maritimes that has been both a disappointment and a challenge, and which we believe provides an opportunity. The witness statements of the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and the assistant deputy minister, which I think were from around February 12, frequently reference the problems and impacts of the mountain pine beetle in British Columbia. We concur that this is a devastating problem that has impacted British Columbia directly, but all of Canada has indirectly felt the impacts of the mountain pine beetle problem. We would agree that the federal government has responded appropriately through the allocation of $1 billion over ten years to fight the problem.
However, it is a disappointment that there has not been any acknowledgement of the impact to the Maritimes as a result of the brown spruce longhorn beetle. The presence of the beetle has been a growing problem since it was first identified in 2000. There are differences in the two beetles, but each—excuse the pun—bug and negatively impact the respective regional industries.
The B.C. beetle was born in Canada. It's indigenous to this country. The Nova Scotia beetle is an invasive and alien pest imported from Europe. The B.C. beetle has caused mass devastation of the forest resource. The Nova Scotia beetle has caused devastation only in Point Pleasant Park in the city of Halifax. But despite the ability to trap it and confirm its presence in the forest, there is no evidence of dead or dying trees.
There are other differences. The 2006-07 budget allocated $300 million out of the $1 billion over ten years, $200 million for research and $100 million to deal with the economic reality of the economic impact after mountain pine beetle infestation has passed. The federal government has allocated only $1.5 million over three years towards the Nova Scotia beetle problem, and we're 10% of Canada's forest industry.
In British Columbia, because the mountain pine beetle is indigenous to Canada, there are no regulations—which impact the industry's ability to transport fibre—imposed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
In Nova Scotia, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency uses regulation as the primary tool to restrict the movement of the forest fibre in any areas where the beetle is known to exist. There is a great deal of available science on the mountain pine beetle, but there are great gaps in available science on the brown spruce longhorn beetle. In the Maritimes we are dealing with excess regulation and insufficient science to support the decisions that are being taken today. Landowners, the province, and the industry are being severely impacted. And as the Maritimes operate as a single wood basket, the impacts are being felt in both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island to a lesser degree.
We need the federal government to recognize the devastating impacts of the BSLB on the industry. The forest is not dying as a result of the presence of the BSLB, but the industry is suffering. I agree with Tim, it's not dying, and we don't want to leave those inferences. But again, we're exacerbating our suffering for a totally unrelated issue. We need proportionate investment in science to determine conclusively associated risk and to develop and/or recognize practical and effective mitigating measures to address real risk, not just for what is perceived as possible, but to address what is probable rather than what is possible.
We need the government to partner with industry to develop solutions, not just regulations for the sake of regulations. Many practical and effective solutions have been proposed. They have been agreed to by individuals, both officials and bureaucrats, but the difficulty has largely been in implementing legislative authority and its restricting ability to implement changes. Is this a challenge or an opportunity, or both?
Already, the Department of Natural Resources' Canadian Forest Service laboratory in Fredericton has, with limited resources, developed a chemically produced pheromone lure that has proved effective in attracting the beetle. This is an important pioneer discovery and has been used in the beetle's native habitat in Europe. However, we don't know if the forests of Canada or the United States, as we're contiguous with the United States, are at risk. We don't know if this is a forest pest of significance—the science is inconclusive—or if it will act in Canada, as it does in its native habitat, as a secondary pest. We need science and we need it now, before the industry in the Maritimes suffers any further disadvantage.
If science determines that this is a pest of significance, then there is the opportunity to develop effective and practical measures that will protect the forests of Canada and the United States. But if science determines that this is not a pest of significance, then there's an opportunity to deregulate the trade-restrictive measures currently imposed on the Atlantic region. The opportunity to address this issue before this committee is timely, as yesterday 32 stakeholders, including the Province of Nova Scotia, the Province of New Brunswick, landowners, and manufacturing facilities met and made unanimous recommendations to the federal Minister of Agriculture. Those recommendations have been presented in a letter to that minister bearing all 32 signatures. This is a critical issue to the stakeholders in the Maritimes, and the significance of the issue must be recognized in Ottawa. I would suggest that this is something that many of you have not heard of before.
In conclusion, I've confirmed concurrence with many of the suggestions of the other witnesses before this committee. I hope I have identified an additional opportunity to directly invest in much-needed research and related programs that should not be seen as specific to Canada but should be seen as the outcome and results potentially benefiting all of North America. The benefits of that research, as I said a minute ago, will reach throughout the continent.
Yes, these are difficult times, but ours is, as Tim said, a cyclical industry. This industry is as old as this country is itself. This is not a sunset industry. There is a future, and we need to partner and build strong partnerships as the foundation to really any of the suggested areas where the government response will add value to this important and fundamental sector to the future of this country.
Thank you for listening to me.