Madame Brunelle, the cost is always going to be an issue right now. We are in the early stages of proof of concept homes. Builders are becoming more familiar with this principle of net-zero-energy housing. A moderate number of consumers are asking for it, to some extent.
When you address the issue of cost, which is the first question any consumer is going to ask when they want to purchase a house, especially a house of this kind, you're going to get an extraordinarily high amount associated with that incremental cost to the house, above and beyond conventional design.
Right now there is no easy way to answer your question, to say how we come up with the best marketing solution for our consumers and how the builder best sells this, if I understand your question correctly.
The issue right now is that we have to better educate the builder community first, and equally better educate the consumers about the combined benefits this kind of housing provides for both of these stakeholders.
When you walk into a display home, where builders offer different varieties of products or a different kind of housing, it's rare to find a builder who will say they can put photovoltaics on your rooftop or that they could design the house such that they could pre-install some of the wiring in case the owner wanted solar on their roof or in their home in some capacity.
We need builders who are beginning to market this, but they first need to learn more about it. And that's part of the leadership that can come from the federal government, but most importantly from the provinces, who have primary jurisdiction over this issue. There is a huge education curve and a learning curve. But combined efforts at a federal-provincial level--and I would even suggest at a municipal level--are required and can be done. It's happening to a certain degree right now in Ontario and will be, I hope, in British Columbia soon.