Good afternoon, gentlemen. Thank you for being here today. My first question is addressed to all of you.
I have heard from your presentations as well as from other witnesses that to cease our production of isotopes would not be a good idea, because of medical needs, among others. This is an urgent problem that affects many areas. We have also been told that it is important not to lose our scientific expertise, that we in Canada have a significant advantage, and that our country's reputation, in the eyes of the world, is an important consideration. So we need isotopes and, as some of you have said, we will need them in greater and greater quantity. So we need to look to the future.
We have two choices: temporarily extend the life of the NRU reactor, which appears to be a temporary solution; or go back to the MAPLE reactors. Several witnesses have said that AECL should seek international assistance to complete the development of the MAPLE reactors. Representatives of AECL, as well as other witnesses, have said that this has already been done, that experts have already been consulted. What is your opinion on that?
Some witnesses also mentioned the HANARO reactor. If I understand correctly, the technology on which it is based is the same as that used for the MAPLE reactor. I would like to know why the authorization required for its startup was issued, whereas in the case of the MAPLE reactors, AECL did not give its authorization.