As concerns the MAPLE reactors, there is the issue of cost. We have been told that there are minor technical problems. There are also time and money problems. As a citizen, I wonder whether we can afford to do without isotopes, given the problems we will be experiencing as a result of the aging population. Do we have the means to cover costs that may balloon out of control if we do indeed opt for the international solution? Can we be sure of the supply?
It would seem to me, according to what I have observed, that the decision to go ahead or not with the MAPLE reactors is a political one. In the end, it is up to us, the politicians—and this is not a question I am asking you, it is a statement—to determine whether these reactors can be recommissioned.
Mr. Nathwani, you said that you suggested amending the Nuclear Safety and Control Act. According to what Mr. Smith has just said, it would appear that nuclear safety authorization is complex. And you say that this must provide a net benefit for Canada. What do you mean by that?
Mr. Koclas, do you have an opinion on that as well?