Thank you.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, committee members, and fellow witnesses.
My name is Chris Heysel and I am the director of nuclear operations and facilities at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
First, l would like to say how grateful and appreciative I am to be here to have this opportunity to address the committee today. I was invited to speak to the committee to give a university perspective of the proposed changes to Bill C-20 and how these changes will impact Canadian university research reactors.
In Canada today there are six remaining university research reactors: the five-megawatt pool reactor at McMaster University and the smaller, 20-kilowatt Slowpoke facilities at the University of Alberta, the Royal Military College, the University of Saskatchewan, École Polytechnique, and Dalhousie.
Every country whose energy mix includes nuclear generation uses university research reactors to help educate and train those highly qualified individuals needed to design, operate and license its nuclear fleet. Indeed, the first step in any nation's journey toward nuclear energy begins with a research reactor. These facilities provide the initial and ongoing education and training for the scientists and engineers that are needed to launch and sustain a nuclear industry.
The McMaster nuclear reactor--indeed all university reactors exist to support the education and research missions of their parent institutions. While it is common to refer to these research reactors as university facilities, they are truly part of our national infrastructure and should be viewed as Canadian assets.
The McMaster nuclear reactor serves our education mission at the university by giving undergraduate and graduate students studying physics, nuclear engineering, material sciences, medical physics, and health physics a hands-on educational experience. As part of their curriculum, these students attend laboratory courses using the reactor and associated facilities to enhance their theoretical studies through actual experiments and interactions. These students represent the future intellectual capital for Canada's wide and diverse nuclear industries, capital that today is in short supply and in extremely high demand.
McMaster University also tours approximately 1,500 high school students through our facility each year. The open pool design at McMaster is the only facility in the country where one can actually see an operating reactor. Prior to coming to McMaster, the closest most of these students will have come to nuclear technology is driving along Highway 401 and seeing the large concrete structures of our nuclear power plants standing behind the intimidating security fences that surround these sites. This is a somewhat daunting sight for these young Canadians, but by touring the McMaster nuclear reactor and seeing the signature blue glow of the core, the mystery shrouding nuclear technology is quickly lifted and students are left with a better sense of how the technology works, and hopefully with an interest to further their education at the university level in a science or engineering discipline.
Research is also one of the critical missions of Canada's nuclear university reactors. These truly unique and powerful research tools provide academia and students with the opportunity to further their investigations in a variety of areas of interest. These fields include nuclear engineering, material sciences, radio-chemistry, radio-biology, geosciences, environmental sciences, archeometry, medical and health physics and medical isotope research and development.
In addition to supporting the research and education missions for our respective institutions, university research reactors provide a wide variety of irradiation services supporting important Canadian industries such as mining, environmental monitoring, automotive, oil and gas, aeronautics, and radio-pharmaceuticals.
With over 20 years of experience in operation of research reactors, I am provided with a thorough understanding of the costs associated with operating these facilities. In order for university reactors to cover their operating costs, they provide services and products to various industries and users. While we do a good job at keeping our costs in check, we do have to compete with like facilities when selling our services.
Despite their increasing importance and relevance, with the exception of RMC, university research reactors receive no government funding to cover operating, maintenance, decommissioning, insurance, or the fuel costs necessary to keep these national facilities in service. This is why even small changes to Bill C-20 are directly very important to university research reactors.
In the absence of federal funding, in order to survive, university research reactors need to generate income by providing a wide range of services and products to markets that are also served by our two main competitors, namely, the AECL facilities at Chalk River and the U.S. research reactors south of the border.
AECL, as a crown corporation, receives a major portion of its operating funds from the federal government. Hence, fuel disposal costs, salaries, decommissioning costs, and liability insurance are all ultimately federally funded. South of the border, U.S. research reactors are loaned their fuel from the Department of Energy. Hence, fuel and fuel disposal costs are borne by the federal government. In addition, unlike Canadian facilities, decommissioning funds are not a requirement for operating facilities as long as university trust funds have adequate equity to cover these future liabilities. This is an opportunity not open to Canadian universities.
More relevant, nuclear liability is capped at $250,000 for these non-profit educational facilities, with the balance to a maximum of $500 million covered federally. This $250,000 figure was the original amount set by the Price-Anderson Act and has remained unchanged in subsequent revisions to the act in recognition of the fundamental national importance of university research reactors.
In reality, it is extremely difficult to compete with U.S. research reactors when their prices for services do not carry the costs associated with reactor fuel, fuel disposal, decommissioning, and the Canadian levels of liability coverage. Competing with AECL is even more unfair.
Despite the growing demands on Canadian universities' research reactors to provide highly qualified personnel to the nuclear power and medical isotope industries, the ability of these facilities to continue to generate the funds necessary to sustain operation continues to be eroded. The changes contemplated to Bill C-20 constitute one more example of how Canada is unwittingly allowing this erosion to continue. The proposed changes would require Canadian universities to carry liability insurance at a level 15 times that of our U.S. counterparts. We are currently carrying a liability six times that required south of the border. Such an increase places Canadian university research reactors on an unlevel playing field with AECL and our U.S. counterparts.
Despite the difficulties we face at our Canadian university research reactor facilities, I'm proud of the contributions we continue to make to our nation from a training and research perspective. These are important outcomes that must be maintained now and well into the future.
In conclusion, I would ask that the members consider the fact that we are already being asked to carry a liability limit in excess of that required of our counterparts to the south and urge the members to amend the bill to place our facilities on an equal footing with those in the U.S. In parting, I implore the committee members to reflect on the fact that research reactors at universities here in Canada are non-profit, non-government-funded entities whose sole purpose is to support the scientific and educational mandates of our nation.
Thank you.