This is what I'm trying to seek out. When the government thought to draft this bill—and I very much appreciate that you folks might not have been involved in that process because it's been a few years—again, the numbers can be quite significant. Looking at my friend from Bruce here, I can't remember how many employees—I can't ask you any questions—but there are quite a few folks working there. They're generally high-paying jobs. Again, a nuclear accident would anticipate a shutdown of some time. We're not anticipating a small glitch here. This is something significant. These folks are out of a job and they're awfully specialized. They have homes, etc. Are they able to seek compensation?
My reading of subclause 16(1) says yes, especially the second part, “and the resulting wage loss by that person's employees may be compensated”. But subclause 16(1) seems to take the vantage point or the viewpoint of the persons who own the property themselves. If that's what subclause 16(1) does, it's through the eyes of the operators and their employees. If their employees can't get wages compensated for it, it seems like an extra burden on them, certainly.
Again, I'm imagining an incident in Darlington or a place where the plant is a significant—if not the largest—part of the local economy. There's an accident, and there are ramifications from that, but also losing all of the wages from those folks at the same time is something I think this committee should consider.
This is what I'm asking for. I know you folks can't draft an amendment, but if there's a way the committee can consider protecting those folks in particular who work at the plant, I think that's an amendment the committee should consider in terms of compensable damages, lost wages. If you're working there and there's an accident, you're out of a job. Is there a way to make it more explicit? If you folks don't know, I want us to know before we vote on this thing, to be clear that we know what we're voting on, and we can turn to the folks who are working at those plants and say they're covered if something goes wrong.