The analysis that you had done was only on limited accidents. The authors of that analysis said that you should also go ahead and analyze what the cost would be of a severe one. The government doesn't do it, and it doesn't affect the act, which is meant to also cover severe accidents. This is the disjoint I'm having.
The authors of a report that the government asked for have said, “By the way, here's what our liability limits would be under a controlled accident at these two sites”, and at the end the authors say, “But to be correct or comprehensive, you should study a severe accident.” The government doesn't look to understand what a severe accident might cost and presents the bill anyway.
What am I missing here in terms of why, when we get down to clause 15—and clauses 16 and 17 also address this—we're only dealing with limited accidents when experts in this field say to please also consider serious or severe accidents as well?