Thank you very much for the invitation to present a brief overview of Dockside Green, a sustainable urban redevelopment project that we initiated four years ago in Victoria, British Columbia. I'm joined by our company's founder and managing partner, Jonathan Westeinde.
I provided a couple of handouts to give you an overview of the company and some of our other projects in addition to Dockside Green. I'm not going to be following it exactly. I have some prepared remarks here, but that will give you some visuals to back up what I'm saying.
The projects provide an important context as they represent the learning curve of our young, ambitious company, which has sought to raise the standard for urban developments across Canada. To begin with, we're organized around the principles of a triple bottom line of people, planet, and profits. That's a core part of our business philosophy, and it's part of our outlook on what real estate development and urban renewal will look like in the coming decades. The slides provided give examples of the individual buildings we have recently completed. One of our goals is to be the first developer to introduce the highest-rated certified green buildings in each market while also introducing state-of-the-art green technologies.
In Ottawa, for example, our goal was to introduce the new green building model, and that resulted in a LEED gold or platinum development. The featured green technology in that case is a multi-storey solar wall on the south facade—visible from the street—that collects heat from the sun and offsets natural gas heating needs in winter. We also introduced and syndicated a green loan instrument that allowed us to finance the incremental capital costs of energy efficiency by leveraging long-term life cycle operating cost savings. Today, that same model is being used by mainstream developers in major markets, particularly in Toronto and Montreal.
In Calgary we built the first LEED platinum-certified mixed-use condominium development. State-of-the-art boilers, lighting controls, natural daylighting, and passive solar energy all helped to reduce the building's energy consumption by over 45%. It's worth pointing out that our Calgary buildings are located in a redevelopment zone that was master-planned by the city and serviced by the city with conventional infrastructure, just like any other neighbourhood. Basically, all we had to do as developers was to plug in and build our buildings. This approach is like a straitjacket for those of us who really want to innovate and think more holistically about sustainable development. Since we were motivated to do more, the city probably missed an interesting opportunity there from the point of view of integrated energy systems. Fortunately, though, the City of Victoria gave us the latitude we needed to be more inventive.
I've included these lead-up examples in order to illustrate the evolution of our thinking but also to set an appropriate context for the discussion of integrated energy systems, namely that green buildings are a fundamental component of any energy system at any scale. That point has been iterated very effectively by the previous speakers. Buildings are major end-users within energy networks. Understanding, managing, and ultimately reducing their loads will yield the greatest dividends with respect to investment in energy systems.
The reason for this is that operating energy efficiency mitigates investment requirements in generating capacity. This is true at the community scale as well as at the larger grid scale. This message is particularly relevant as different pockets of the country start to mobilize investment in more expensive clean and renewable technologies. It's also a fundamental underlying principle of how we approach Dockside Green.
Some of the slides on the Dockside Green project are provided on pages five through nine of the handouts. To summarize the development quickly, Windmill and our partner, Vancity Enterprises, acquired the 15-acre abandoned brownfield near the shoreline of Victoria's inner harbour in 2004 following a successful bid in a city-managed public tender. The tendering process itself contributed to the sustainability of the project because it was based on a triple bottom line, allowing a firm like ours to compete against prominent local developers.
The plan is to develop approximately one million square feet of new residential, commercial, light industrial, retail, and hospitality construction over the next 10 years, a very dense mixed-use development, similar to what we heard Southeast False Creek is, but on a smaller scale.
To date, the first two buildings and townhouses are completed. During the tendering process and in our discussions with the city, Dockside Green made three important commitments to the City of Victoria.
The first was that each building will be certified to LEED platinum status by the Canada Green Building Council or the developer will actually pay a severe penalty. We agreed to paying a severe penalty for that. To date, the first phases have achieved the highest LEED certification rating of any building in the world.
Second, Dockside Green will be the first community in Victoria to treat all of its waste water on site. To date, we have installed a membrane bioreactor to reclaim all waste water and reuse it in toilets and irrigation systems.
With respect to today's discussions, our third commitment was that each building will be connected to a greenhouse gas neutral biomass district heating system. This is the feature that is of particular interest to the committee's present study of quality urban energy systems.
Our team considered a number of different approaches, including combined heat and power, direct combustion of wood chips, and geoexchange, among others. Given the nature of the location of a central energy plant in the middle of a relatively high-density urban neighbourhood, emissions were a concern. Even though we knew there were contemporary scrubber technologies that could have been sufficient to do the job, they are expensive, and we didn't want to battle perceptions.
In the end, we chose a biomass gasification technology manufactured by Nexterra, a Vancouver-based start-up company. The advantage of their equipment is that, rather than burning wood, it gasifies it first and helps to eliminate the particulate issues that affect most combustion projects. We also have a waste water heat exchanger as part of the overall program, but it's a minor part, and I was going to focus primarily on the biomass system.
Also, knowing that you are going to be investing in a central energy plant is a powerful motivator to think holistically about the entire energy system and discover as many opportunities as possible for keeping the cost of that infrastructure down. We knew we didn't want to build more hot water generating capacity than necessary. That is one of the main reasons all of Dockside Green's buildings are being designed to be 45% to 50% more efficient than code.
At the same time, we are motivated to optimize output of the installed capacity. To achieve this, Dockside made a deal with a neighbouring hotel and conference complex to sell hot water at a cost equal to the cost of the natural gas they would have had to buy for their boilers. This means that during the day, when the on-site residential use is low, there are off-site customers to export to. As well, exporting carbon-neutral hot water to displace fossil fuel combustion has a significant impact on our overall carbon budget and helps Dockside to live up to its commitment to being a greenhouse gas neutral development.
It's also important to look beyond the design and construction phase and to think about how the building and infrastructure will behave over time. To create additional incentives for people to manage their energy use wisely, each residential unit at Dockside is equipped with a web-based energy and water monitoring system. Each occupant can track their energy use and even compare it to their neighbours' consumption over time. By raising awareness, we believe we can influence energy consumption even more through load shifting and conservation.
When it comes to intelligent energy systems for communities, we believe that small can be beautiful; however, it comes with significant hurdles. Incumbent utilities have economies of scale and enormous influence when it comes to enabling distributed micro-utility solutions. Therefore, utilities are critical partners.
B.C. Hydro has been a major enabler of Dockside Green's success. They recognize that the decision to avoid using electricity for heating at Dockside Green has quantifiable upstream economic benefits. They correctly view the development as one million square feet of new floor area that will not require incremental investment in centralized winter peaking capacity to meet electricity demand that would be required for only a few weeks out of the year anyway.
Furthermore, the province has already made a commitment to no new fossil fuels for power, so Dockside Green is helping in two respects: (a) avoided peak loads and (b) no incremental impact on the province's carbon budget. B.C. Hydro has translated this logic into incentives that help to support the business model of the central energy plant. Those incentives are calculated based on avoided cost to the province and the utility.
Another major challenge pertains to phasing, especially as our economy slows and, with it, the construction schedule. The heating system has already been installed, but the Dockside Green energy company will not be earning full revenues until complete build-out. Fortunately, the federal government provided a grant and a loan through the technology early action measures program. This project financing helped to make the system more financeable to third party investors, helping to reduce their exposure to stranded capital on the front end of the project.
The rationale for the government support was that there are significant benefits of the system from a technology demonstration and greenhouse gas perspective, but most of these benefits accrue to the public realm as opposed to the private owners. By providing financial support, the government helped to ensure that the private sector investors wouldn't be unfairly burdened with the cost of innovation.
To conclude, we believe that green buildings are a critical component of intelligent urban energy systems and the overall social and economic fabric of Canada's cities. However, integrated design solutions can't stop at the exterior of a building's walls. We have to look at how those buildings behave over time and how they interact with the infrastructure to which they are connected. We need to make responsible and holistic decisions when planning and investing in incremental energy production and distribution systems, and we need to work together and across sectors and jurisdictions. Given the number of stakeholders who are contributing to the success of Dockside, I think it's an urban development example we can all be proud of.
Thank you.