Thank you.
To your first point, I think Canada absolutely needs a strict regulatory system to manage its greenhouse gas emissions. I think we've been close. Waiting for the United States to make up its mind could be a lengthy process, whereas I feel that we could move forward very quickly. We're pretty aware of the solutions we need, including some form of carbon pricing. Frankly, I'm agnostic whether it's through cap and trade or some form of carbon tax. We need carbon pricing and we need it soon.
As to your question of fairness across the provinces, I'll speak from my perspective in Alberta. CO2 knows no boundaries. I agree that the polluter pays principle should apply. I think you would find that my colleagues, perhaps presenters here coming next, will agree. From what I've seen from my perspective, people all agreed that eventually the cost should be transferred to industry through the right regulatory signal, through the right carbon price, and part of that cost should also be borne by the consumer. Let's not kid ourselves. We need to pay more for our energy in a carbon-constrained universe.
What that means for Alberta and Quebec...we just want Canada to move ahead on reducing its greenhouse gas emissions through a portfolio approach.
Thank you.