The last name is pronounced “Buzzy”, spelled b-u-s, as in bus.
Certainly, representing the western Canada program--I hear it termed as “echo” here, and in the west we call it “eco”, so in any event, we're echoing the west--the program really has been very dear to my heart, and I say that sincerely, because being a radio talk show host on home improvement for the last 28 years now in western Canada, it's something that has been very important, not only the program as it exists federally, but also the way it dovetails with provincial programs. Being involved in Winnipeg, in the Manitoba market, in the two major cities in Saskatchewan, Saskatoon and Regina, and also in Alberta, Edmonton and Calgary, and on into British Columbia, the entire province, the eco-program has been one that has been really consumed by the industry as an energy upgrade for the home.
The important factor of the eco-program, as I see it, is information and education. That's where I hang my hat. There has been a tremendous bowing to a program based on whoever is delivering it. What I mean by that is how the homeowner, the consumer, is receiving it, either at the retail level, at the radio level, at the newspaper level, at the flyer level, or information through the different distribution industries, people like B.C. Hydro, and all the rest. But for the homeowner, the importance is that we have to get the owner more involved in understanding what it is they're to expect out of the ecoENERGY program; that is, the energy analysis. That's where I really am concerned, and that's why having our representative, Russ Hiebert, invite me here, gives me the opportunity to state my case; that is, the homeowner understanding the process, understanding the process of what is the energy analysis. What does it really mean to me when I do get the energy analysis. What is the energy analysis adviser to do when they do come to my home, other than put up a frame on the door, a great big fan, and say, at the end, this is where your home rates?
We always say, good, better, best, why worry about the rest? And the rest is, where do we go, good, better, best: first, second, third, fourth, fifth? Do they take the items that are the most economical, the ones that are going to give them the largest grant or rebate, or is it something that's going to be great for them, their family, their quality of life?
That's the understanding I like to have, the opportunity to educate the consumer. That's about air quality. We talk about mould. My goodness, I absolutely hate that term, mould. The reason why, as I always say on my radio program, is there are 22,000 types of mould in our society, but there are only about two if you're affected by them that will really hurt you. I like to call it algae, because algae is really a spore that grows from moisture, light, and heat. It's one of those items that if you allow it to grow...If you do your energy upgrades to your home the wrong way, you're going to end up with lots of this algae. You can end up with it in the attic, in the roof cavity, in behind closets, draperies, and all the rest of it. All of a sudden, the homeowner puts his hands up saying, “Where do I go from here, Shell? I've done the upgrades, I've had a new furnace put in, I've had this done...”, and the next thing they know, they've got things they've never had before. I get homeowners saying, “Shell, I need my old windows back. I never had any condensation on the old ones; now I get it on the new ones.” The reason why is you tightened your house up. It's the education, showing the good, the better, the best.
What is it they're going to get back when they do the program? I always say, and in fact it's one of my sayings, how to the what, to the where, to the why, to the when, to the who to? We've got all those things, plus we've got the who to. So if we can get the homeowner to do a sequence of upgrades based upon a sequence, first, second, third, fourth, then we can have the energy savings we're looking forward to, rather than this being a buck in a pocket. Because a buck in the pocket for the consumer, if they don't spend the buck the right way...all I can tell you, ladies and gentlemen, is it's just going to be a buck in the pocket and maybe a holiday somewhere warm when it comes to going away at the time they should be doing upgrades to their homes.
I just want to make reference to the home renovation tax credit. I know this has nothing to do with it, but when I heard that word, I was the first one who thought we were going to give a tax credit based on energy upgrades, but it was on everything. And I really don't feel that everything is really the best thing when it comes to what we're trying to achieve in the industry of home upgrades. Why not give the home renovation tax credit based on upgrades of homes, giving quality and education on how their house works?
I would like to see an education video. Why not have something that can be Canada-wide for Canadians, showing what can be done to the average home, be it 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 100 years old. What are they looking forward to?
I am involved in the industry myself. We do have a home improvement division, and that home improvement division is educating, and education is so important to homeowners.
So value in the retrofit...18 months. I heard that mentioned earlier. Eighteen months is not enough time to decide if they are going to be quality upgrades or not. I think what we really have to do--and I'm the first one to pull my chains in behind me to be behind a program like the ecoENERGY program. Let's at least give some marks to those who do the best. Don't worry about the good and the better. The best is what we want, and if it means ventilation, let's do it. If it means windows, let's do it. If it means draft-proofing, let's do it. I ask the question: what is draft-proofing? I know, but I can tell you right now, nine out of ten people on the street don't know. And yet if you don't do it before you do your insulation--and I heard the word “insulation” mentioned here earlier. Insulation has no value at all unless you have draft-proofing in a home, because otherwise you're sending all that moisture right up into the area where the mould starts.
So, folks, the Energy Star programs, the energy analysis programs, the ecoENERGY programs, all these programs...let's live within our means and let's educate Canadians as to what they're going to get out of it.
Thank you.