Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you this afternoon.
I'm speaking from the perspective of New Brunswick, a place apart from the rest of Canada. In New Brunswick, we have more than 1.4 million hectares under licence for shale gas development, which probably you haven't heard much about. We have been working with local communities. Some 90 communities fall within the leased and licensed area, in a wide arc sweeping across the province, from Chebucto, on the Northumberland coast--nice swimming, beautiful beaches--all the way to the Maine border, by McAdam and St. Stephen, near where I live.
We have been working with many of those communities. They've banded together and created a coalition called the Citizens for Responsible Resource Development. We've been in conversation with our provincial government on this issue for almost a year now, and we've been in conversation with the industry since they arrived in New Brunswick.
We have a tiger by the tail with this issue. This is not the natural gas of our childhood—our communities are out there flicking on the end of the tail of that tiger.
I apologize to the translators; I'll try to minimize my asides from my notes.
We don't have the regulatory framework. Today, we want to try to identify some clear roles for the federal government, which we believe are important, and some of the needs that could be filled.
Last Monday night, the New York State Assembly passed a piece of legislation by overwhelming majority to suspend, until May of next year, the issuance of permits for shale gas drilling using hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. This is a resource that could enhance their energy security. So why did they do that? In the United States, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, an august body recognized internationally for its work over the years, has launched a major study on the impacts of shale gas drilling and hydrofracking, which they expect to finalize some time in 2012, with some significant public engagement as they go along.
Why have they done this? Because experience in the United States has demonstrated that exploration for, and the development of, shale gas poses a host of risks to public health, the environment, water supplies, and the social fabric of rural communities, which conventional gas exploitation does not. We're talking about something very different. I say it's a sleeping tiger, because natural gas prices are low right now. When those prices rise, that tiger will wake up and we will see very rapid development, I expect, in places like New Brunswick and Quebec.
What are the problems? For one thing, we're talking about huge depths, drilling down to two kilometres. Doing something that in the conventional industry is quite straightforward, like cementing around the well casing to protect water supplies, is very difficult when you're in that deep. When you're fracking, that raises questions about the integrity of the cementing around it and whether in the long term it's going to protect water supplies.
So it's very different. You have to withdraw something like four million litres of water from somewhere for every frack. That's two Olympic-sized swimming pools' worth. In New Brunswick, just about every stream goes into the ocean and contains migratory fish. The Bay of Fundy salmon are protected under the Species at Risk Act, because their numbers have dwindled so much. So there are questions about, for example, the kind of stream flow that we require to maintain habitat for those endangered Atlantic salmon. It depends a lot on information that we don't have. Clearly, the federal government has a responsibility to address this situation.
That's one of the reasons we're concerned about these water withdrawals.
The millions of litres of water are mixed with sand and chemicals. These chemicals are pumped under pressure, as has been mentioned earlier, and something like 40% or 50% of that mixture is left underground. We don't know what the long-term fate of this might be. And we don't have the geological studies or hydrogeological mapping to help us understand what might happen if this flows through existing fractures or fissures, which we haven't characterized necessarily before this happens, to ensure that we don't create long-term environmental risks.
So by intentionally pumping this down, deep into the ground, and leaving it there, below the water supplies, the question is, what's the long term fate?
Then, of course, you have within that mixture, potentially, some CEPA toxic substances, like benzene. And there's no requirement at this point for companies to publicly disclose the chemicals they're using in these mixtures. Of course, when this comes back out—about 50%, or roughly so, of it comes out—you have a hazardous waste stream, a large hazardous waste stream that actually is of a different consistency than when it went in because you're scavenging other naturally occurring contaminants like heavy metals from deep in the geology.
In New Brunswick right now this hazardous waste stream is being trucked across interprovincial borders for treatment in Nova Scotia. What will happen when this takes off? How will it be treated? We're talking about thousands of wells in New Brunswick likely, if this takes off. What does that mean? How will it be managed as hazardous waste?
The high moisture content of this gas means that the water has to be stripped out as it comes to the surface, which produces volatile organic compounds, emissions, some of which are CEPA toxic.
As far as greenhouse gases go, there's been some work to suggest that in fact this kind of natural gas exploitation may have as big a carbon footprint equivalently as coal. So that's an important issue when you're thinking about this from an energy security perspective.
The stated purpose of the moratorium in New York is simply to afford the state and its residents the opportunity to continue to review and analyze the effects of hydrofracking on water and air quality, environmental safety, and public health. This is not happening in Canada. There are no plans for a national investigation into the consequences of Shell gas development, and there should be.
So let me quickly go to what I think the federal government could do here.
We see in New Brunswick—