Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Coon, Ms. Merrill, to date in Quebec, energy security has relied to a considerable degree on the development of hydroelectricity and wind energy. We've been taking considerable steps in that direction for many years now. Our environmental rules are definitely stricter than those enforced elsewhere in Canada. And we're proud of that fact.
However, this entire shale gas development issue has really taken the public by surprise. People aren't very informed. This concerns densely populated areas, particularly the St. Lawrence Valley where our most fertile farm lands are. We sense a great deal of concern and anger among citizens. However, I would say it's disorganized anger. BAPE is conducting hearings. There's some talk about that, but citizens are banding together in large numbers to demonstrate.
Mr. Coon, you talked about Citizens for Responsible Resource Development. What is that? Is it an organization? Perhaps we could use it as a model in Quebec. Can you give me more details about that?