Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you, honourable members.
It's a privilege to be here before you today. I appreciate the rescheduling. I was originally intended to appear before you in the fall.
A key focus of your deliberations is environmental issues surrounding shale gas extraction. As agreed with the clerk in advance, I'm not speaking to the substance of the environmental issues around shale gas extraction. There are many qualified experts to do that, and extraction of natural gas is not the primary focus of the member companies in my association. Our focus is on the delivery of natural gas and related energy services, which we thought would still be useful to you as you consider the big picture around natural gas. Committee staff assured us this would still be of interest, so that's how I intend to use my time today.
First, who are we? A presentation should have been handed out to you to give you a bit of an overview. One of the first pages in it is a map of Canada showing our member companies. We are a range of companies involved in the natural gas delivery system, such as manufacturers and transmitters, and at the heart of our membership are distribution companies delivering gas to approximately 6.2 million customers.
The map shows the companies and their franchise areas across the country. What it doesn't give a sense of is the fact that those 6.2 million customers translate to well over 20 million Canadians, people whose energy service needs we meet every day in homes, businesses, and industry. A meter isn't a person; a meter is the end point of delivery of the gas, but it represents people in a variety of walks of life. We believe it's an extraordinary reach and one that makes us think about the Canadian energy consumer every day in everything we do.
Note that I said “energy service needs”. The member companies of CGA are focused on this, with the emphasis on “service”. Canadians have come to expect a lot when it comes to their energy. They want it to be clean, reliably and safely delivered, affordable, and abundant. Canadian natural gas has met all of these demands for over a century. That's why we consider natural gas to be the foundation fuel of Canada's energy system. In fact, we meet approximately 30% of the end use needs of Canadians, and we think that justifies the title.
We also call natural gas “smart energy” because of all those attributes, and one other: its flexibility. Natural gas offers flexibility in a way few other energy sources can. When you want renewables like solar or wind, you also need an energy source to ensure their reliability, and natural gas can provide that. When you want to maximize efficiency at the end use of energy, natural gas comes right to your door and offers remarkable efficiency for heating and cooking needs. Our efficiency in its end use has only increased over time regularly year over year. When you need a source of energy that can work in tandem with a district heating or cooling system as part of a distributed generation system or for mainstream power generation, natural gas is available. When you want to think about adding a new fuel to the transportation energy mix for use by Canadians, natural gas is there and natural gas distribution companies are helping to drive the agenda.
The remarkable ever-expanding networks of natural gas infrastructure in Canada and the unique attributes of the fuel itself are key reasons for its flexibility, and we want to make sure that people appreciate it.
The second image you have before you speaks to some of the many uses of natural gas that justify this description. Canadians use energy in three ways: for mobility, for electricity, and for heating and cooling. It is roughly 30%, 20%, and 50% in terms of an overall split. Natural gas can play a role in all three.
Right now its overwhelming use is for heating. Increasingly, natural gas is used as a fuel for power generation to meet electric needs, and we're seeing the beginning of an interest in it as a transportation fuel, with growing interest in applications for heavy- and medium-duty trucks. I draw your attention to the recent NRCan report on natural gas use, the transportation road map, which speaks to these opportunities.
All these opportunities for new uses are significant, and we want to encourage them for the economic and environmental benefits they promise.
What does the future hold? For natural gas and the companies that are involved in its delivery, we believe the future holds opportunity, as long as we stay attuned to the needs of Canadians.
I described our member companies as energy service companies. By that I mean they are intent on ensuring that the Canadians who are their customers are getting the energy services they want and need.
Let me take my remaining time to highlight two initiatives we have that are intended to help meet those service needs going into the future. They speak to two major priorities for Canadians on energy issues. First is its efficient use, and second is a desire for new and more innovative applications.
The first of these is QUEST. There's a slide on QUEST in the package. QUEST stands for “Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow”, and I think most of the members of this committee are familiar with the project and have been briefed on it.
Let me just point out that the idea behind it--integrated community energy systems--offers a real means to make Canadians much more efficient in their energy use. That translates to less energy consumed, fewer environmental impacts from that energy consumed, and, ultimately, lower costs to the energy consumer.
Now, how is this good for the gas industry? Well, we believe that gas is the logical foundation fuel for integrated community energy systems. It ensures maximum flexibility and reliability, assuring Canadians the level of service and satisfaction they want and have come to expect from their energy providers.
The second initiative I want to highlight is a newly created one. We're in the process of coming up with a name, but right now we're calling it the applied energy technology and innovation initiative. This has been agreed to by my board of directors only in the last few months. It's a new project and is focused on the deployment and commercialization of new technologies aimed at the more efficient use of natural gas in a host of applications.
One example is micro-CHP, or combined heat and power. Some of you may be familiar with that as an industrial application. Micro-CHP would involve the application in small units in the home that could generate both heat and electricity. The technology is well advanced, with numerous applications around the world, including some interesting emerging work being done right here in Canada. In fact, there's a small company outside of Ottawa working on this.
It offers a means to ensure a much more efficient use of energy while lessening the pressure on our electricity grid, with the consumer having a significant say over their own energy. This is the kind of technology we would like to see more of. Through the association, my member companies are defining cooperative means to pool their financial resources to drive new opportunities like micro-CHP for Canadians to be leaders in innovation and productivity in energy use.
I mention that as one example. There are others: water heaters, renewable natural gas, more efficient technologies for transportation, etc.
To wrap up, this means keeping Canadians on the cutting edge of energy innovation and productivity and a continuous effort over time to transform our system into a more efficient and effective one. Natural gas is a remarkable natural resource and Canada happens to be blessed with an abundant supply. My member companies are dedicated to delivering that resource to Canadians in the most efficient and environmentally sound way possible. We look forward to many opportunities to work with those in elected office in this effort.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.