Flow of capital is important because of the size of the programs. What might surprise in 2011 is that the increased expenditures will actually be larger in conventional oil and gas. On the theme of technology, horizontal drilling and fracturing technology will see an addition of about $10 billion in incremental capital expended in 2011, whereas oil sands will only grow by $5 billion in investment.
Flow of capital to meet that growth is important, and as a country, but also as a company, so does ensuring that you have competition for capital. Competition for capital means that whether they are investors from Asia, the United States, or Europe, they are competing for a secure jurisdiction where they can have a good return. Canada offers a secure jurisdiction and an effective tax structure, and they seek that return. The flow of joint ventures, whether it's the recent announcement of Encana on gas or other projects, means that those various sources of capital compete, which allows companies like ours to attract that capital to not just develop production but to do our research.