Good afternoon.
Thank you, Chair, and honourable members of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources. I appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today as part of the committee’s work in studying Canada’s energy security and the contribution that nuclear makes to safe, reliable, and low-emission baseload electricity generation.
First, let me begin by stating the obvious: that our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Japan during this extraordinary period in their history.
A bit about OPG: it is Ontario’s largest electricity generator and owned by the people of Ontario. From our 65 hydroelectric stations, three nuclear plants, and six fossil stations, we have in-service electricity generation of around 19,000 megawatt electrical. OPG nuclear generation represents approximately 30% of our generation portfolio.
Safety is central to everything we do. OPG has had many years of operation with no significant nuclear safety events. In fact, in over 40 years of nuclear operations, there have been no injuries to any member of the public as a result of those operations.
Along with our own nuclear plants, we lease to Bruce, as was mentioned earlier, two plants, which they operate. Finally, OPG operates the nuclear waste management facility that services OPG and Bruce Power.
OPG produces 60% of Ontario’s electricity. With the Ontario government’s directive to stop burning coal as a fuel by the end of 2014, OPG will predominantly be generating low-emitting electricity from its hydro and nuclear plants. In fact, in 2010, 90% of our electricity was virtually free of greenhouse gas generation.
Nuclear power enables renewable power generation from wind and solar, which are so dependent on variable weather conditions. Again, based on provincial direction to end the use of coal in our fossil plants, OPG is actively investigating the possibility of biomass and natural gas in combination to be a potential replacement fuel for our fossil fleet.
We have approximately 11,000 employees, and our company generates $6 billion in gross revenues, which supports many communities directly and indirectly across Ontario. Moreover, for the people of Ontario, the real owners of the assets, the commercial success of OPG contributes to the well-being of all Ontarians through the investments we make into those assets and taxes and other payments we make to the province. Our net income stays in the province.
OPG's three nuclear multi-unit CANDU plants are located at Pickering and Darlington, Ontario. We have been operating nuclear power plants since 1971. In 2007, OPG was awarded the prestigious Institute of Nuclear Power Operations performance improvement award for our facilities.
Our reactors are licensed to operate by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. We recognize that our licence to operate relies not only on our strong safety record but also on the earned trust from the communities in which we operate. We work very closely with our host communities at Pickering and Darlington, where we enjoy strong local support. This has translated to strong host community support for OPG's plan regarding a new nuclear build and for refurbishment to the Darlington facility. Our community partnerships include regular updates on nuclear operations as well as on safety and health issues.
In 2008, OPG was selected to operate two new nuclear units at the Darlington site. This has the potential to generate 3,500 jobs during construction as well as 1,400 jobs during the operation of those two plants. On September 21, 2006, we began the federal approval process when we submitted an application for approval to prepare the site for the new nuclear project to the commission.
The Darlington new nuclear project joint review panel hearing process on the environmental assessment began on March 21 and is scheduled to end on April 28 of this year. These EA hearings will be followed by hearings to license a chosen technology and hearings to construct and operate the plant.
OPG's nuclear operations are a key component of Ontario's long-term electricity plan. Nuclear provides the low-emitting baseload electricity that enables emerging renewable generators such as wind and solar to have the opportunity to develop their technologies and participate in the province’s electricity plan.
Part of the equation of energy security for OPG is our nuclear safety. We take great pride in the safety of our workers and communities across the board. Generation using nuclear power plays a fundamental role in the low-emitting electricity for the province. Industry and residents depend on this safe, reliable, and cost-effective electricity generation.
Our CANDU reactors take advantage of natural resources and technologies that are readily available in Canada, which further enhances security of the electricity supply, independent of external influences. Nuclear will continue to provide a safe and secure supply of energy for Ontario well into the future.
Now, Duncan Hawthorne spoke at some length about the occurrences in Japan, and I will not revisit that. I'm certainly open to answering any questions you may have.
For my part, I would simply say that we recognize the unfolding events in Japan. CNSC has requested that nuclear operators undertake a further review of the actions that we have, and OPG—in conjunction, in fact, with Bruce Power and the rest of the Canadian industry and operators—is fully cooperating with the CNSC in this review.
Canadian nuclear power plants are among the most robust designs in the world and have multiple redundant safety systems designed to prevent damage in the event of an earthquake and other disasters. These systems ensure that reactors are placed in a safe condition in the event of an earthquake or a loss-of-power incident. Seismic qualified systems function to ensure that the reactors are shut down, the fuel is suitably cooled, and any radiation release is contained.
Ontario is not a region where serious earthquakes are common. Despite this, the reactors have been built to resist earthquakes stronger than those that seismic studies say are likely to occur in Ontario. They are designed for a one-in-1,000-year earthquake and are robust for a one-in-10,000 earthquake. Ontario nuclear facility equipment and structures are built to CSA nuclear seismic standards. In addition, the topography of Ontario makes a tsunami a highly unlikely event. I would add, however, that consideration of other events, such as severe weather, is part of the design considerations for the power plants.
Ontario’s CANDU reactors have considerable redundancy in backup power supplies. Across the fleet there is a mix of standby generators, emergency power generators, auxiliary power generators, and so forth. Over the years, OPG has invested in upgrades in the systems as well as in fire protection and fire suppression systems, as part of our commitment to ongoing safety improvements.
This concludes my presentation. I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to appear before the committee. I'd reiterate that OPG is a key player in the Canadian electrical generation industry and nuclear generation business. OPG and the Province of Ontario are committed to safe, reliable, and secure nuclear generation now and in the future.
I guess I would also like to extend our invitation to the committee to visit our facilities, where we can show you first-hand the safety systems and the backup supplies, where you could talk to some of our front-line employees. These are people who come to work at the plant everyday, who live and raise families in our community.
I'd be pleased to answer any questions.