The issue of collaboration is another thing that worries me, since you are working together. Mr. Littlejohn, you say there is international coordination to secure the supply, which is logical. I imagine you do that as a business person, since you need to be sure of your supply. Furthermore, the expert panel says we must collaborate with other countries. Is there a formal structure for such collaboration or is it based on personal negotiations with your business contacts? Would it be necessary to have another structure on top, in order to ensure that this collaboration takes place?
We know that it will be quite some time before Canada can produce isotopes. Will Canada still have a market share? I don't know. Will we finally be able to ensure that patients get their supplies? We know, as you know even better than I do, that production is regularly interrupted.
That is how I see the question. Are things working well on the international level, where the expert panel recommends that there be more collaboration? Could there be a better way of doing it?