I appreciate that, and I've heard that, and I understand that you don't decide what budget you will get. But the fact of the matter is that I haven't really heard a reason, really, for ending the program at the end of the fiscal year we just started. I still haven't heard a good reason why it shouldn't go beyond that.
In talking about the program's partners, Mr. Tanguay mentioned how important it is that this mesh well with the provincial programs. My understanding is that the provincial partners are furious that this is going to end now, because they feel that the programs they have put into place have worked well with this. Unfortunately, they have seen examples from lots of governments in the past where the Government of Canada has come in and offered something and started something up and then said, “Okay, we're out, it's all yours now.” I'm sure they're not very happy about it in this case either; they're left holding the bag.
Let me ask you about the common measures you have listed on page 6 of the deck, such as reducing air leakage—that is, air sealing—and replacing heating systems, etc. Which of those measures tend to have the most benefit?