Sure, but the same cannot be said of the budgets for CCS or biofuels. Is that true? Those budgets will be growing in expenditures over the next number of years, while wind is being plateaued and ended.
There are choices being made. I understand budget constraints and all the rest of it. That's fine. That's somewhat out of your hands. But you're advocating certain programs to the minister, I suppose, saying this one worked and that one is not so good.
From appearances, wind, while not exhausted, is probably fully subscribed. The wind energy companies are coming to us and saying they are leaving Canada because the investment climate is much poorer here than it is south of the border, which is an easy transference for them.
I'm concerned that this is hurting our competitiveness on the renewable energy front, which is the green economy that folks talk so much about and have so much hope for. It is the only industry that did well during the recent recession. That must be of some note to the department and the government, that while so many industries tanked, this one did well. Yet we are ending the funding for it and we're continuing with CCS and biofuels, which are both much less productive, if I can say that.