We're seeing glacial melt in our large northern glaciers. They are contracting, especially the land-based glaciers, as you know, in Greenland. With that melt would come sea-level rise. That's one parameter.
The other parameter we're seeing--this is not our domain, per se, but it has an effect--is that we're seeing, generally speaking, less polar ice. With that comes wave activity.
We're seeing increasing temperatures, ocean water and surface temperatures. Those coupled will cause permafrost to melt.
When you have permafrost at the edge of something that's normally ice, you don't have much erosion. But when you have permafrost melting, coupled with more wave activity...so instead of one week a year, or one month a year, depending how far north you are, you might be seeing two weeks, or a month-and-a-half, with something that's already melting. So you have two things happening at once that are causing coastal erosion.
That's the area where we're expanding our look to see how fast it is happening, where it is happening, and what mitigation measures, from an engineering standpoint, could happen.