Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thanks to our witnesses.
I'd like to start with Mr. Gorman and Mr. MacLellan.
Thank you very much for being here today.
A report released today from the Blue Green Canada alliance of leading environmental and economic organizations says the following about the job creation potential right now of the $1.3 billion that is currently invested in subsidies to the oil and gas industry. We have $1.3 billion invested in oil and gas, and they've done a calculation that this has resulted in 2,860 jobs. That's $1.3 billion: 2,860 jobs.
They then did a study of where a similar investment would lead to far more jobs. An investment in energy efficiency—again, it's $1.3 billion—would actually lead to 18,296 jobs in energy efficiency, and investments in solar, as you've mentioned, and a number of other green energy alternatives, would actually result in nearly 10 times more jobs—over 20,113. That's the estimate from the study that was released today.
So we're spending $1.3 billion with the oil and gas industry to actually give us the least bang for the buck. In a sense, we're getting 10% of the return that as Canadians we could expect from investments in renewable energy.
I'd like you to comment on that. Do you think the current federal government's approach of investing in the oil and gas industry, where you get a 10% return, rather than investing in renewables or energy efficiency, where you get a 100% return, makes sense?