I just want to thank the witnesses for coming in today. This was very interesting testimony.
Mr. Smillie, I do want to talk to you a bit about some of the comments you made. I'd like you to elaborate a little bit more on some of the innovations you've made on alcohol and drug testing. I don't know if that's directly related to the committee, but it is of interest to me because I think a safe workplace is a functional workplace, and I'd like to know more about that.
As you know, most of the footprints in the sands of time have been made with workboots and there are a lot of people on the ground working hard in Alberta—from all across this country—doing great things, whether it's in the oil sands or in the various other aspects of our diverse energy sector.
It's very important that you talk to me about the aboriginal engagement as well. I represent the four bands at Hobbema, some 12,000 to 16,000 people living on reserve there, and they need to have a more active role in Canada's economy.
Perhaps I could also get you to elaborate a little bit more on the following. From my perspective, I think that having a pipeline go south would be great, but east would be better, and west would be the best. I'm saying that as an Albertan when it comes to diversifying our market access. I'm wondering if you would agree with my assessment of that. And perhaps you could elaborate on some of the opportunities for the workforce that you represent here, if that were the case.