Well, I think what you want to look at very carefully is what's going on in North Dakota right now. They're producing 780,000 barrels, and a very small fraction of that has pipeline access. In fact, they're banking on the Keystone XL to pick up 100,000. I think that would be an interesting example to look at. They face the same issues as the tar sands producers do.
If rail can get Bakken shale oil from Williston to a refinery in Philadelphia, why can't rail get oil from Hardisty to the west coast? I think that de facto is what is going to be happening right now.
I point out that somehow pipelines, from the environmental movement, are not kosher and rail is. I'm not exactly sure I understand that. I think the reason is that very little has been moved by rail. I'm not sure that it will stay below the environmental radar screen if we start moving three or four million barrels a day in North America by rail.
But Blaine, I would seriously look at what they're doing in North Dakota. I point out that at that conference, people told me that it's the actual oil companies that buy all the rolling stock. It's not CP or CN. I think given the kind of pipeline bottlenecks that exist here, rail's going to be the de facto option.