Mr. Chair, as my colleague mentioned, at least three of the witnesses who appeared here—and we fast-tracked this review; there should have been many more witnesses—but of the witnesses that we did hear from, both Ms. McClenaghan and Mr. Stensil, and in the briefs from some other witnesses who were not able to appear because of the shortness of the review, pointed out the anomaly and the inconsistency that the government is requiring the polluter pays principle be applied to the oil and gas sector but not to the nuclear sector. For simple purposes of consistency in public policy, why would we be giving greater advantage to the nuclear industry over the oil and gas sector, or frankly other sectors, where the polluter pays principle is applied?
Clearly, the government has given recognition to the fact that Canada has ratified the polluter pays principle. Canada presumably applies the polluter pays principle because they have ratified this international convention but have chosen specifically to exempt the nuclear industry from the polluter pays principle.
The government in its wisdom has specifically amended this bill on page 2, in clause 3, to add “accountability in accordance with the 'polluter pays' principle” to apply to the oil and gas offshore sector, but has chosen in its wisdom or lack thereof to exempt the nuclear industry from the polluter pays principle.
We're giving the opportunity to the government. I'm sure it was simply missed in the drafting process. I think everyone here would agree that our nation is bound by the polluter pays principle. I don't think the government of the day would want to say that they think the nuclear industry should be exempt from this principle and given greater advantage than other sectors. Therefore, it is a very reasonable amendment that many of the witnesses pointed out was missing from this section of the bill.