Right now, as I said in my previous answer, if the legislation or the regulations are violated or an operator operates in non-compliance, it's the operator that we primarily have to deal with because they have an authorization granted by our board. Under this bill, there are duties that are imposed for safety on the operator. The operator has a set of duties in upholding safety. Any of the contractors or subcontractors that may be out in the workplace who are working under his direction also have duties. Those that supply goods and services to the offshore workplace have duties and responsibilities.
Let's go right down to the bottom level. Let's say a supplier of goods or services is not upholding their obligations and their duties under this legislation. We, as the board, can enforce at that level. Right now, without that hierarchy ingrained in law, we have to go through the operator and it's much more difficult to get down to that level.
To sum up, the bill has...safety is everybody's responsibility. Every employer, operator, interest holder, owner, employee, supervisor, manager, everybody has a role to play. With this legislation we are able to hold each of those parties accountable.