Thank you, Chair.
Thanks to all of you for being here today. We in this committee have met before on the urgent issue of the Trans Mountain expansion, including a number of times in June when we debated the next steps for the Trans Mountain expansion. I'm glad you are all here, because of the ongoing crisis around the Trans Mountain expansion and the failure to ensure that it will proceed.
In June, when we had then Minister Carr here at committee, I asked him explicitly if he could answer Canadians about when the start date for construction would be, what the ultimate cost to taxpayers would be, and how he was going to provide the political and legal certainty for the Trans Mountain expansion to go ahead. The Liberals, of course, failed to meet the May 31 deadline set by Kinder Morgan; they failed to secure a private sector buyer; and now, as of last Thursday, it's clear that they failed to meet their own standards for consultation and deliver on the process that they themselves announced.
This is crucial for our committee and for every Canadian, because of course the Liberals have spent $4.5 billion in tax dollars to purchase the existing Trans Mountain pipeline. They promised Canadians that this purchase would ensure, then, that the expansion could proceed. Instead, the Trans Mountain expansion remains in peril, already two years overdue, with severe economic consequences for Canada and damage to Canada's reputation as a safe, predictable, fair place to do business.
This will have significant and far-reaching consequences for all of Canada, so that's why we are here: to uphold our responsibility as members of this committee and on behalf of all Canadians. The ongoing delays are no longer acceptable. The Liberals absolutely must provide a clear road map for the Trans Mountain expansion to proceed. That's why we are seeking to bring ministers to committee to answer Canadians very clearly about what their next steps will be, which is a motion I'll get to in a second. The consequences of the ruling on Thursday were clear, that the failure was during the additional consultation processes announced by the then Minister of Natural Resources to consult with indigenous communities. The ruling is clear that this is where the failure happened and this is why the expansion remains at risk.
I must impress upon my colleagues, as I have done in the past, that this has very real and dire consequences, certainly for people I represent but also for hundreds of thousands of Canadians across the country. Immediately, 8,000 workers were out of jobs. These are workers who are often not even reflected in the statistical calculations of the more than 100,000 energy workers who have lost their jobs since the Liberals took office in 2015, because they are often individual contractors or small-business owners.
I suggest that if you ask energy workers and people in Lakeland what they think today, they feel betrayed. They're angry. They feel they're being kicked while they're down by a Liberal government that is all talk, that fails to deliver, and that is in the meantime implementing policies and legislation that will further damage energy investment in Canada, with far-reaching consequences long into their future. The Liberals insisted that the additional consultation they announced, along with the imposition of the carbon tax on all Canadians, would ensure that the Trans Mountain expansion would proceed.
Now, Conservatives have been fighting constantly to get the Trans Mountain expansion built. As you all know, in February in the House of Commons, Conservatives asked for the Liberals to table a clear plan for the Trans Mountain expansion to proceed. The Liberals rejected that request.
Conservatives requested an emergency debate twice. The initial debate was rejected, but after Kinder Morgan's announcement of the May 31 deadline, they said, because it appeared untenable that they could proceed with the expansion, that they would abandon their investment of billions of dollars in the Canadian economy and the creation of thousands of jobs, and that emergency debate was granted. We moved motions here in this committee, and my colleague Tom Kmiec in the finance committee moved a motion asking for clarity on the Liberals' road map for the Trans Mountain expansion.
In 2016, when the Liberals approved the Trans Mountain expansion, the then Minister of Natural Resources, Minister Carr, said, “we believe that to meaningfully consult and accommodate indigenous peoples in the context of these energy reviews is the principal responsibility of the Government of Canada. That's what we have done and that's what we will continue to do.”
In October 2017, in response to challenges in the Federal Court, he also said that his government was satisfied that the extra consultation with indigenous communities on the Trans Mountain expansion would satisfy the court. It gives me no pleasure to be here at this committee to make this appeal today, because Conservatives have supported the Liberal approval of the Trans Mountain expansion from day one, agreeing that the expansion is in the national interest. The Conservatives, like energy workers and Canadians right across the country, believed the Liberals when they said that the additional months of consultation with indigenous communities by the ministerial panel and by the cabinet members would ensure that the expansion could proceed, but the ruling on Thursday shows very clearly that the failure of that process has put the Trans Mountain expansion at continued risk.
These failures will devastate energy workers, their families, the whole Canadian economy, and the 43 indigenous communities that had mutual benefit agreements on the Trans Mountain expansion all along the route. It is, as we've discussed multiple times in this committee, just one more in a long list of major energy projects that have been cancelled or abandoned because of the Liberals' failures. Of course, it comes in the wake of the abandonment of energy east because of the last-minute rule changes and the double standard applied to that application by the Liberals, a standard that didn't apply to any other pipeline, that doesn't apply to infrastructure and other major sectors, and that certainly doesn't apply to foreign oil. The Liberals also, of course, outright vetoed the previously approved northern gateway pipeline, killing opportunity for the 31 indigenous communities that had secured mutual benefit agreements worth more than $2 billion, including opportunities for skills and labour development and education.
The Liberals now have also jeopardized the potential Eagle Spirit Energy corridor and the hard work of more than 35 indigenous communities by ramming through a tanker ban on B.C.'s northern coast, which of course actually applies only to the on- and off-loading of crude and persistent oils at ports and increases a scenario in which foreign tankers can potentially continue to travel in the area, because it doesn't actually enforce the voluntary exclusion zone. And now of course the Trans Mountain expansion's mutual benefit agreements with 43 indigenous communities have been jeopardized, along with thousands of jobs and billions in revenue. This is why this issue is so important to all Canadians, because not only will the Trans Mountain expansion generate jobs for pipeline workers themselves, now and long into the future, but it is also directly related to the long-term sustainability of Canada's energy sector in the future, and it will deliver millions of dollars in government revenue to municipal governments, to the Alberta and British Columbia governments, and to the federal government overall.
When the approval was overturned last week, Ryan Bruce, director of government and public relations for the union CLAC, said, “Our members were happy to be working. They were expecting long-term employment on the project.” Richard Masson, an executive fellow at the U of C school of public policy and the former head of the petroleum marketing association said, “Those guys will be sitting at home waiting for something else to come along. There is nothing as big as this.”
Because there's nothing as big as this, we are gathered here today in this emergency meeting to request action and accountability from the Liberals, who owe answers now more than ever because they have made Canadians the owners of the Trans Mountain pipeline. It is the Liberals' obligation and responsibility to disclose, urgently and clearly, exactly what the next steps will be for the expansion to proceed.
I would remind my fellow committee members of the words of Chief Ernie Crey of the Cheam First Nation. He talked about the impact of the Trans Mountain expansion on his community. He said:
In my opinion, if [Trans Mountain] doesn't proceed, hundreds of millions of dollars will be forgone for first nations all the way along the pipeline route.
Why I say this is that, taking my own community as an example, we negotiated really hard. It was really my young council—they're a little over half my age—that negotiated this agreement.... My young council negotiated for a year and a half or more, night and day in some instances, with a pretty tough team on the other side, Kinder Morgan's team, and yet we reached a mutual benefits agreement. I want to stress mutual benefits: benefits to the proponent and benefits to our community.... [T]he jobs that result [from the expansion] are not one-shot jobs that are there for a year or two and then are gone when the pipeline is concluded. That is a terrible misrepresentation of things. What we've negotiated will be lasting training and lasting jobs and...over the entire life of what I hope will be the new pipe that will come from Alberta to tidewater in British Columbia.
Already our community is alive with excitement. Every day our young people come to me and say they want to get trained, they want a job, and they want to say goodbye to welfare.... To us, it means millions of dollars to my band alone, a community of approximately 540 people. I know that it also means a lot to many other first nations who haven't stepped up and spoken out, but who also have agreements that are perhaps comparable to ours.
Mike Lebourdais, the former chief of the Whispering Pines/Clinton Indian Band, said, “I want the money from our that we can pay for our health, so that we can pay for our education, so that we can pay for our elders, so that we can pay to protect our environment, so we can build better pipes, we can build better bridges, and we can build better railways.”
Those words express the importance of the energy sector to the Canadian economy overall. The Liberals are failing Canadians by destroying investment confidence in the energy sector in Canada.
My colleague is shaking his head, but the reality is this. Under the Liberals, more energy investment has been lost than in any other time frame in 70 years. There have been $100 billion of energy products cancelled, and more than 100,000 Canadians right across the country whose livelihoods depend on the energy sector are out of work. Energy is Canada's number one private sector investor and Canada's second biggest export. It literally underpins the entire Canadian economy.
The crisis around the Trans Mountain expansion is a direct result of the Liberals' repeated failures to act, broken promises, empty words, and sham of support for this crucial infrastructure. The consequences are far-reaching and wide. This issue is about confidence in Canada as a place to invest and do business. It's about jobs and opportunity long into the future, which provide revenue to governments to provide core social services and programs for Canadians right across the country.
Because of the added costs and red tape the Liberals are adding to the energy sector, and right across the economy, Canada is becoming uncompetitive, which the finance minister himself admitted recently, particularly with the United States and other oil and gas producing countries around the world. The lack of crucial pipeline infrastructure is estimated to cost the Canadian economy anywhere between $10 billion and $15 billion a year. The Bank of Canada is predicting no new energy investment in Canada after 2019. That is a direct result of the Liberals' anti-energy policies and legislation, which damage Canadian competitiveness through higher taxes and added red tape.
U.S. investment in Canada is down significantly, while Canadian investment in the U.S. is up. The United States is clearly positioned as Canada's major energy competitor. The estimates are that the U.S. will provide 80% of the world's growing oil demand in the next three years.
This flight of energy capital from Canada is a crisis, and it is the big picture around the emergency facing the Trans Mountain expansion. I think Canadians are right to ask what on earth the Liberals have been doing since the approval of the Trans Mountain expansion nearly two years ago. How could it be that, as of today, there is no plan, no response, no concrete next steps for the expansion to go ahead? I think it is our duty on this committee, when we have the chance, and I hope we do, to ask the ministers how it could be that they were not prepared for the decision on Thursday, for either scenario or for either outcome. How could it be that they went ahead and made an expenditure of $4.5 billion with this risk still facing the Trans Mountain expansion?
To date, it's been crickets. There are no announcements. There are no concrete steps. All response from the Liberals has been, as it continues to be from the Prime Minister today, empty words just professing support for the pipeline over and over again. Meanwhile, anti-energy activists—who have been coordinated in their opposition to shut down the Trans Mountain expansion, aided in fact by the Liberals' approval of tax dollars to fund summer jobs to oppose specifically the Trans Mountain pipeline and expansion—did exactly what they said they were going to do. They used every tool in the tool box to delay this expansion and to stop it.
Now Canadians have a right to ask what exactly the Liberals are going to do to ensure that the Trans Mountain expansion can proceed. As you all know, there was an announcement in Alberta a month ago, when Minister Sohi echoed the empty words of previous ministers and of the Prime Minister that he was sure the Trans Mountain expansion could go ahead. It was a photo op with shovels in the ground, and the representative of Trans Mountain that day said, “Construction may start next year; we're not sure." There was no in-service date, just like when Carr came to the committee in June and couldn't answer any of those questions either.
There are options clearly available to the Liberals for next steps to ensure that the expansion goes ahead. We hope to see them make those proposals, both when they come to this committee and certainly by the start of session on September 17. By then, I think it's very fair for us to expect the Liberals to have delivered a clear plan to Canadians about how they are going to ensure that this expansion will go ahead, because they owe that accountability to the owners of the pipeline, which, because of the Liberals' failures, is now every single individual Canadian.
Frankly, I think it's galling that the Liberals have not yet announced a plan to move forward. Given the conversations we have around this table—and I accept all of our words in good faith—I'm sure that all my Liberal colleagues agree with me that this issue is urgent, and that the Liberals owe those answers to Canadians.
I will move my motion:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee study the federal government's actions with regards to the Trans Mountain pipeline purchase and the Trans Mountain expansion project; that six meetings be allocated for this study; that the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Natural Resources appear before the committee, for an hour each, at the first meeting of the study; that the first meeting be held no later than September 6, 2018; that this study be concluded before November 2018; that the meetings be televised; and that the committee report its findings back to the House.