As you can imagine, when we go into an industrial facility, for example, even if you think about yourself as a homeowner, energy efficiency may be one project you're considering, but you probably have in mind a list of projects you may like to do in your home. It's the same thing in a business.
Often when we're looking at the return on investment, when we're looking at the payback, when we're making those calculations for a business, to put that energy-efficiency project at the top of their list, because they have limited resources and they're only going to be able to implement three projects this year, our incentive can make the difference to shorten that payback time or to improve that ROI. Then they are able to get that project on the list this year and it is in the top three that move forward. Without those incentives, the payback is too long, and it means they wouldn't make that decision. Again, the idea is how we get them to take action through those incentives which they otherwise wouldn't take. Being able to shorten that payback period in a competitive environment is an important part of it.