Good morning. My name is Terry Young, and I'm the vice-president of policy, engagement and innovation at the Independent Electricity System Operator, or IESO.
I'm joined here by my colleague, Nik Schruder. Nik is the director of energy efficiency with the IESO.
Thanks for inviting us here today to speak to you about the economic benefits of energy efficiency. I want to touch upon our experience here in Ontario, designing and delivering energy efficiency programs, but first I want to tell you a bit about the IESO and what we do.
We were created by Ontario's Electricity Act. We're governed by an independent board of directors, and we have a broad mandate that includes planning to meet Ontario's electricity reliability needs in the near and longer term, operating the provincial electricity grid in coordination with our neighbours both here in Canada and in the United States, administering the roughly $17-billion electricity market, engaging with stakeholders and communities across the province, and overseeing Ontario's energy efficiency efforts.
At its core, our mandate is about ensuring the reliability of Ontario's electricity system at the lowest cost to consumers, and energy efficiency plays an important role in meeting our electricity system needs.
Energy efficiency goes beyond lowering electricity bills. It's the most cost-effective resource in Ontario, and it can be used to help offset changes in the demand for electricity on the system, whether it's at a local, regional or bulk electricity system level. In fact, every dollar invested in energy efficiency avoids three dollars in investments in new transmission and distribution infrastructure. It also adds to the Ontario workforce and strengthens our local economy.
I'll draw your attention to a recent report prepared by Dunsky Consulting for Clean Energy Canada, which indicated that in Ontario the implementation of energy efficiency actions through the pan-Canadian framework will add an average of 52,000 jobs and $12.5 billion annually between 2017 and 2030. I believe Efficiency Canada presented to the committee several weeks ago and probably spoke about this report.
Looking more closely at our own progress, in 2017 we invested approximately $100 million in customer incentives to support Ontario businesses becoming more energy efficient. We also leveraged an additional $250 million in capital investments from customers.
Ontario is recognized as a leader for its achievement and commitment to energy efficiency. We've grown our success through a suite of programs available to residents, indigenous communities, small business and large industry. These “save on energy” programs ensure that all who are interested have an opportunity to participate.
These successes cannot be achieved, though, without partnership. Our partners help us promote, monitor, plan and invest in energy efficiency. We oversee and deliver programs alongside the various local distribution companies across the province, as well as our local service providers.
With the help of our partners, since 2015 the programs have saved 5.2 terawatt hours, which is equivalent to powering 570,000 homes for one year. These savings are a result of supporting over 90,000 energy efficiency projects in business and industrial facilities right across Ontario and influencing over 60 million energy efficiency products being purchased from Ontario retailers.
Our programs help achieve these results by offering rebates on equipment upgrades, providing opportunities for businesses to understand their energy use through audits, and supporting training and education initiatives that strengthen energy knowledge and management.
I want to echo Mr. White's comments on energy managers. I'm particularly proud of our energy manager program, which provides funding for Ontario businesses to hire qualified, full-time energy managers to help them identify strategic energy investments and secure financial incentives for projects and upgrades. Since 2015 we've funded over 110 energy managers, who have contributed to over 430 megawatt hours of energy savings for their facilities. The electricity savings that result from the programs produce cost savings, but have also been proven to strengthen operational efficiencies and improve corporate culture.
KI Canada, furniture manufacturers in Pembroke, Ontario, faced the challenge of keeping their full-time production technicians employed. In 2013 they set a goal to lower their energy use by 10%. By embracing efficiencies, they were able to surpass their goal and reduce their use by 30%, totalling $300,000 in savings. In the years following they achieved even greater reductions, equalling millions in savings.
Their success was realized by making improvements to their operations and equipment through save on energy programs and by creating a behavioural shift in the workforce. By embracing energy efficiency, they ignited a change in employee culture, which helped keep energy savings top of mind. More success stories like this can be found on our website, I would encourage you to explore some of those case studies.
Programs are also available for transmission-connected customers, to help them fast-track capital investment in major energy savings projects and receive funding for a full-time on-site energy manager.
Last week I had the opportunity to visit Lake Shore Gold mine in northern Ontario, just outside of Timmins. The mine receives funding through the IESO for a full-time energy manager at the facility. On-site energy managers help organizations better understand how they use energy in their day-to-day operations and how they can incorporate efficiencies to improve operations and save.
At Lake Shore Gold, the mine's energy manager uncovered efficiencies big and small, from making the switch to LEDs to helping reduce the energy consumption of their equipment, and through the efficiencies implemented by their energy manager, Lake Shore Gold was able to decrease the energy consumption of the mine's largest on-site motor.
I should note that all energy savings are independently verified by third party evaluation contractors, in accordance with the IESO's evaluation, measurement and verification protocols, and represent net verified savings. Put more simply, they are energy savings that occurred as a direct result of the program intervention.
When I look ahead to the future of energy efficiency, armed with the many lessons learned through our experience in recent years, I see a couple of areas of focus for us.
One relates to our program delivery model, moving away from prescriptive programs toward more flexible programs, with more options for customers to choose how they achieve energy savings, with a reduced administration. A successful example of this was the award-winning pay for performance program that we launched in 2016. It was one of the first pay for performance programs in North America.
The program sets a baseline of energy use against which future reductions were compared. It was up to the customer whether they achieved energy efficiency savings through more efficient HVAC systems, improved lighting or some other efficiency upgrades that made sense for their business. In turn, participants are compensated for their efforts by being paid four cents for each kilowatt hour of verified savings each year, for up to four years. A less prescriptive approach is simpler and more efficient, and it gives customers more choice and encourages innovation.
Another area of focus for us is seeing how energy efficiency can compete against other resources, like generators, in the future. Ontario, as you may know, is currently in the process of changing how we acquire electricity resources, developing what is known as a capacity auction. We want to explore how to allow energy efficiency to participate and compete against other resources in these future capacity auctions. It's been done successfully in other jurisdictions, so there is some precedence. We'll be looking for insights there as we try to implement this in Ontario.
As the body responsible for electricity planning in Ontario, we want to ensure that conservation continues to help reduce costs in the electricity system, by deferring the need for new investments in generation or other electricity infrastructure. This includes focusing future initiatives on reducing peak electricity demand. Electricity systems are built to make sure you have enough electricity to meet that peak demand. This is where energy efficiency can help reduce overall system costs by targeting programs for those peak periods.
We also want to continue exploring the ability of energy efficiency to meet local needs. For example, if we see electricity demand rising in a specific area of the province, whether due to new mines in the north or new greenhouses in the southwest, the local infrastructure may not be able to meet that new demand. It may require new transmission lines or distribution systems to bring in more power or new generation. Energy efficiency gives us another cost-effective option. We can work with those communities to see how energy efficiency can help offset that increased demand and reduce the need to build new infrastructure, or in some cases just buy us more time.
To wrap up my remarks, we've had a lot of success in Ontario with energy efficiency. I'm proud of the employees at the IESO for all the hard work we've done to help communities, businesses and the province at large benefit from energy efficiency. We'll continue to build on that success and evolve how we consider energy efficiency in managing the reliability of Ontario's electricity system at the lowest cost. That includes transforming the market, being less prescriptive, introducing more competition, and shifting to defining the need and letting the market determine how best to meet that need.
Nick and I are pleased to answer any questions you may have. Thanks again for this opportunity.