Certainly. It sounds like a free-for-all, but that's what we're doing for consumers with the carbon backstop. We're just giving them the money, even though they may not make any changes in their day-to-day life that we're aware of. That is one option.
Maybe there are a number of streams whereby if you want to make an adjustment that's quick and relatively inexpensive you can get money much more quickly, and if you do want to undertake a larger, more substantial retrofit that requires a more significant investment, then that would require a bit of an application or something. We're trying to be flexible with that.
Things like green renovation tax credits have gone a long way, and our business owners and members have been supportive of those. In fact, in Quebec they had something called the RénoVert residential tax credit for individual homeowners, so maybe we could have something similar to that. There would be no application process and maybe you would send in your receipts at the end of the year, and CRA would say, yes, in fact you did do this list of approved renovations and so you can deduct those from your taxes. Those are the kinds of initiatives that we're in favour of versus those with a multi-step lengthy process.