My name is Mark Daymond. I'm a professor in mechanical and materials engineering here at Queen's. With me is Professor Rick Holt, who is an emeritus professor here at Queen's.
I have a few things to say to try to meet the list of questions that were given on what the committee is interested in.
First, I think the nuclear R and D at the universities in Canada is in very good shape. Largely that's as a result of the initiative that was taken by the industry, led in particular by Ontario Power Generation, to start the University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering, or UNENE. I believe you've already had a witness from UNENE.
The nuclear materials program at Queen's is a good example. There was nothing here in 2001. It now comprises an emeritus professor; two professors, soon to be three, as we're advertising for a third; a research group of more than 20 graduate students and post-docs; and around $20 million of nuclear-focused research infrastructure—additional infrastructure that has come—and that includes a reactor materials research laboratory, which is an accelerator that we can use to explore aspects of radiation damage, simulating, if you like, the damage you would find in a nuclear reactor. There are other experimental facilities—at McMaster, at UOIT—all coupled with active undergraduate and graduate student programs.
In terms of the wider technology of CANDUs that are operating, I would say that the current technology to support operating CANDUs, to refurbish existing CANDUs, and to deliver new build in the short term, at least for medium-sized, moderate-sized, reactors in the next 10 or 15 years is in excellent shape. The expertise is held at the utilities, at support companies such as Amec and Kinectrics, and at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, supported, as I've said, by the nuclear engineering university programs at Queen's, UOIT, McMaster, RMC, UNENE.
As we look to the next 20 years, I think the main challenge for the future of nuclear R and D in Canada is the loss of aging infrastructure. Most obviously that's the NRU reactor, though at the age of 60 years or so, it's probably reasonable that it was shut down. Certainly it was coming to the end of its life.
The main opportunity we have, perhaps, is to take advantage of the existing expertise we have in Canada within the nuclear regime, and there is a lot of expertise. I see a very significant potential demand for international build because of the unique characteristics of the CANDU design. On the other hand, if Canada doesn't do it, then India can. The design used in India is derivative of the Canadian design and very similar. Those unique characteristics of the CANDU design are available to the community in India. The opportunity at the moment is to integrate with PWR at-the-moment reactors—for instance in the U.S.—or fast breeder reactors, perhaps, in the future.
If we look at where successful nuclear construction has occurred internationally, primarily because of the upfront loading of costs, it's in places where governments have been able to give very strong support—the U.S., France, Japan, China, India. These are the countries where there has been strong government support and therefore a lot of successful build.
I should say that in the long run it can be cheaper economically to run a nuclear power plant than other sources, but it's because of the upfront costs that there are difficulties. Certainly, in terms of carbon dioxide, it makes a great deal of sense.
If we look at other opportunities rather than just going with the existing technology, the capability to supply larger-sized units for new build is somewhat shakier. By “larger” I'm thinking of things like the CANDU 9 design, which was abandoned about 10 years ago by AECL. That system was large enough to compete efficiently with the current PWR suppliers. That's because as you go to larger systems, there's a benefit of scale in terms of operating costs. Instead they went with the ACR, which is in many ways, I would say, impractical, and is also now being abandoned.
There would be an opportunity, I think, to revitalize the CANDU 9 design. The technology is very similar to that of the CANDU 6E, but it probably would require some federal government support to actually make that happen.
Then, as we go further into the future, the very long term, Canada has been participating in the generation IV forum. I think that effort needs to be supported and probably ramped up if Canada is going to continue as a nuclear power system supplier into the long term.
One of the other things that we were asked to comment on was what other opportunities exist. I think, for instance, nuclear power is potentially very powerful as a supply of heat. If you were to look at oil sands extraction, you could potentially significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the petroleum industry in western Canada by using a nuclear power station to supply that heat, perhaps even as waste heat after electricity generation. Of course, we do have significant energy resources in terms of the Canadian uranium reserves but also in terms of spent CANDU fuel. So the fuel that has already been used is actually still a significant energy resource. I'll come back to that.
The closure of NRU means that in the near term, any reactor-based research on fuel would have to be moved offshore until a new facility were to become available. I think that's certainly achievable and feasible. There are facilities that can do that, and you could support it with Canadian research, using accelerators.
Moving away from universities, the industry-sponsored R and D is mostly at places like Kinectrics, Amec, and CNL, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories. That is really, I would say, drawing on a somewhat diminishing pool of funds. At the moment, these organizations are a powerful resource, a very significant resource, for future development, but probably only if there's emphasis from the federal government, and perhaps the Ontario provincial government, on a long-term intent to pursue nuclear technology.
I see that CNL is at a somewhat critical juncture at the moment, with the situation it's in. It's difficult to see how nuclear R and D, in terms of build, can survive long term on the basis of R and D for profit as services to industry. I know that in many ways it was modelled on the United States' approach to large labs, but unlike the large nuclear labs in the U.S., at CNL we don't have a significant underpinning from DOE, Department of Energy, and the U.S. Department of Defense, because at those labs perhaps two-thirds of their R and D spend is that underpinning. Unless there's sort of a significant investment, you run the risk that CNL will devolve into a decommissioning organization. It won't happen any time soon, but this is looking down the way.
The final two comments are on waste disposal. The deep geological storage technology certainly seems technologically viable, and I think the NWMO has put in place all the appropriate financial provisions, it seems. The barriers to that are probably the siting process and perhaps skepticism from the public. Again, I want to emphasize that the spent CANDU fuel is a significant energy resource. Down the line we will want to access that as a country, so we shouldn't be disposing of that irretrievably. I think another avenue for nuclear R and D in Canada will be to address some of the technologies that could most successfully exploit that resource.
I think that's probably all I wanted to say.