That's a great question.
This is our first full year in the contract right now. One of the deliverables that we had in our schedule of work this year was to put together the strategy going forward as to how we're going to actually realize that vision we talked about. A big part of that is how we're going to be building. We mentioned in there that another mission is capital projects. Right now, we're in the midst of putting together an integrated, coherent strategy not only on how we improve processes, not only on how we clean up liabilities, but also on what we're going to be doing going forward and on what facilities we need.
Coming from that, there are a number of buildings that we believe fit our capabilities and what our niche is in the nuclear industry going forward, building upon what we've done in the past. There are a number of facilities that we're looking at. One of them that is very prominent is our hot cells. We're looking at what we can do to refurbish what we have to at least bridge the gap. The fact of the matter is that one of the skill sets we have that's second to none in the world is our ability to take irradiated material and do an examination that will just boggle your mind when you see the things that we can look at. In order for us to continue that into the future and to continue to support the industry, we need to look at that first. There are other pieces, as well, such as nuclear fuels manufacturing and innovation centres. That would be so that we can do more collaboration with other companies and bring them in so we can have incubators there. We could move into other markets in the area and have spin-offs from the site, as well. There's a whole series of activities that we're looking at from that injection of capital spending.