Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and honourable members. Thank you for inviting me back before your committee as you continue your hearings into clean technology in Canada's natural resources sector.
I'm delighted that you have included a representative of the nuclear sector in your deliberations, because it is all too rare for Canadians to remember that nuclear is a clean technology and one that has enormous potential to achieve our goal of deep decarbonization of our electric grid and industrial sectors.
When NRCan's Mr. Des Rosiers appeared before you last month, he said that the government was looking for bold solutions. Instead of greenhouse gas reductions of a few percent here and there, he said you were looking for sharp and dramatic reductions in the order of 50%, 60%, and 70%.
I'm here before you again today to declare that advanced nuclear is one of the very few clean energy technologies that can realistically and demonstrably deliver on that goal.
Moreover, our ability to deliver does not depend on someone inventing a new device or a new process—for example, a breakthrough grid battery or some other energy storage device. Advanced nuclear technologies exist today. Many are proven, and all we have to do is take the commercialization step. Many in the private sector are doing just that today. I know the members of this committee understand this, and I thank you for continuing to include nuclear in the conversation.
Your current study is an important one. To find the right policy instruments that will accelerate the early adoption of clean technology in Canada's natural resources sector, the first step, I would submit, is to be willing to talk about nuclear innovation. One of the simplest ways for policy-makers to de-risk the adoption of clean technologies is to acknowledge them and to talk about them. That does not cost a penny.
This means that our government needs to acknowledge that advanced nuclear is one of those clean technologies, and it needs to recognize the enormous potential it represents. Sadly, our government seems loath to utter the “N” word when we talk about clean energy. Nuclear, in particular advanced nuclear, which I believe must be recognized in a category of its own, must become part of the conversation. We should not be talking about the promise of wind and solar without giving equal mention to the promise of advanced nuclear.
Again to reference the testimony of Mr. Des Rosiers last month, which I thought hit the mark in so many respects, the assistant deputy minister—who is, I remind you, the ADM responsible for innovation and energy technology—did not utter the word “nuclear” once during the hearing. Terrestrial Energy has sought to meet with the Minister of the Environment, who is responsible for climate change, to describe how advanced nuclear could play an important role in the deep decarbonization of our electric grid and industrial sectors, yet we have so far been unsuccessful.
In Ontario, the premier is right to brag about how the province has the cleanest grid in North America, if not the world. When she does, the role of nuclear in that success usually goes unsaid. Ironically, the refurbishment of Ontario's nuclear plants and the possible refurbishment of Point Lepreau must qualify as among the largest carbon abatement projects in the world, yet they are rarely part of the discussion.
My big ask of this committee is to urge the government to put nuclear back on the table, and not just in the context of conventional nuclear but in the context of advanced nuclear, the most promising scalable clean technology today, especially if we desire Mr. Des Rosiers's bold 50%, 60%, or 70% solution.
At Terrestrial Energy, we believe that our integral molten salt reactor power plant, or IMSR, has enormous potential for the electrical grid and natural resource sectors. Advanced nuclear's true value is its use in industrial heat applications. In this huge part of the energy market, conventional nuclear and wind and solar technologies cannot play a role. They don't produce the required heat that fossil fuels do or that the IMSR could do.
Our IMSR provides heat of roughly 600° C, and this heat can be simply coupled to many existing industrial applications. If we are content to continue to extract crude from the oil sands, then we should at the very least try to minimize the carbon production footprint. Instead of burning natural gas for production, why not use the heat from an IMSR? The promise is Alberta crude with the same carbon production footprint as Saudi crude.
In mining, we should think about exploiting the Ring of Fire with advanced nuclear. The biggest impediment to Ring of Fire development is the lack of power and heat access, because the deposits are far from grid, but since the IMSR is grid-independent, it could be deployed in these remote regions to meet the needs of the mining sector.
Many of the alternatives we are talking about today are geography-dependent—solar farms in sunny locations, wind farms in windy locations, hydro in rivers—and are not commonly close to points of demand. Advanced nuclear has no such geographical constraints.
Why, then, doesn't the mining sector adopt this technology? Why aren't the producers of the oil sands knocking on our door? I think the reasons are clear. They look to mitigate business risk in a sector that is risky, and not to add risk. They are hence reluctant to be first adopters of any new technology.
How can the government help? Loan guarantees provide one way to support early deployment of a new industrial technology. They allow the private sector to spread risk. Terrestrial Energy's U.S. affiliate, for example, is seeking to deploy an IMSR power plant in the U.S. It is in the second part of an application process for a $1-billion U.S. loan guarantee from the U.S. Department of Energy, and that company is moving along well with that process.
Unfortunately, the Canadian government has not shown the same interest in advanced nuclear. Compare the level of support here, for example, with that of the U.S. House of Representatives, which in January of this year, with strong bipartisan support, passed the Advanced Nuclear Technology Act of 2017,which is intended
To foster civilian research and development of advanced nuclear energy technologies and enhance the licensing and commercial deployment of such technologies.
There is also a companion bill before the U.S. Senate. This U.S. interest is in part due to the environmental promise of advanced nuclear.
I have a few suggestions that I would like to leave with the committee.
First, we need a level playing field for all technologies that meet our objective definition of a clean technology. We must look at options on a relative basis. No clean technology is without externalities, but we need to look at them in honest and relative terms, and the discussions must be objective, based on facts and evidence.
Also, if we're going to have a level playing field, it should extend to the incentives offered. One technology should not be favoured over another if they achieve the same goal, namely a cleaner industry and a cleaner electricity grid. I don't need to tell you that some technologies in some jurisdictions have been given enormous preferential subsidies and incentives that are not available, for example, in my sector.
Second, policy should be developed to stimulate private capital formation around the most innovative ideas. Policy instruments should be clear, reliable, and dependable, to be capital-friendly.
I like the idea of the multi-stage view that Mr. Des Rosiers described when he was here: providing early-, mid-, and late-stage commercialization support in a more seamless fashion. There should be a portfolio of mechanisms, including loan guarantees, production tax credits, investment tax credits, and straight-up grants.
Third, for highly regulated industries like my own, let me also suggest a specific policy initiative that would be helpful. A quick fix would be to ameliorate some of the costs of regulatory actions. As it now stands, Terrestrial Energy bears 100% of the cost of its regulatory actions with the CNSC, which can add up to many millions of dollars. I think the current framework may be reasonable for licensing on an ongoing basis, but when licensing a new and novel concept, I believe these fees act as a brake upon private sector-led innovation.
Finally, I return to my initial comment. Please, let's make advanced nuclear part of our clean, sustainable energy discussion.
With that, Mr. Chairman, I'll be happy to respond to your questions.
Thank you.