Obviously I'm old and probably not as well versed in the clean tech area as everybody else.
I'd like to compliment you on your ability to listen to all this stuff. Thanks for doing it.
I'm currently building the largest industrial project in North America. It's a $25-billion refinery we're building 45 kilometres northeast of Edmonton. We are building phase one right now. We've spent about $8 billion. We're going to spend $8.5 billion or $9 billion by the time we're done. We have about 5,000 people working on it. We'll start up in the late fall or late this year.
Connected to that project is what is the world's largest system for managing CO2. We're building a pipeline system to take the CO2 from the refining operation to central Alberta where it will be used for enhanced oil recovery. The system has a design capacity of about 40,000 tonnes a day, and that's roughly equivalent to all the cars in Alberta. We think we're making significant environmental improvements in the embedded CO2 content of the diesel we make in the refinery. We are the only oil sands-derived diesel that will be able to exceed all low-carbon fuel standards, and we think that is a significant competitive advantage.
This is the first new refinery that's been built in Canada since 1984 and the first new one in the U.S. since 1977. We've had a lot of opportunities to reduce our environmental costs.
I'll tell you a little about myself and I'll tell you why I'm here. I started off as the first person in my family to go to university. I'm a mechanical engineer, and that's because my mom could fix cars and she thought that's what mechanical engineers did, so she made me take mechanical engineering. When I got out of university, I could make $900 a month as a welder, and I could make $600 as an engineer, so I rented a shop, bought a welding machine, and started welding. I've never worked for anybody else ever. I do my own thing and try to figure out how to create decent-sized businesses around being an engineer. I've been in every element of the energy industry from power generation to natural gas liquids to offshore drilling to refining now and CO2 management.
My life has been lived as an entrepreneur. It's been lived starting businesses, and what I think is that we have way too much focus in Canada on the idea and way too little focus on how we make somebody with a good idea into a successful business owner. We lack the infrastructure that helps somebody who is just starting off, so all the kids I see coming around.... In Calgary a lot of young people have been laid off because they were working in the energy industry. They are subject matter experts. They've been let go now. Really what they want to do is start their own businesses, and they know what they're doing. They're smart technically and they have a bunch of clean tech ideas, but they don't really know how to start a business.
What we need to do is spend our money on the infrastructure that helps people start effectively and helps them survive until they get it commercial. We spend all our time talking about great ideas and great technologies, and if you look back through all the money that's gone into that, you'll find it's very inefficient. We haven't gotten any big, skilled businesses in Canada, that I know about anyway, with all this money we spent, so I'm into creating things at scale.
I'm into building infrastructure that will allow young people to move forward. I'm on the investment committee at SDTC. They do great work, but there needs to be help for young people with good ideas. We need to have a place where they can congregate. We need to have mentors there. We need to support them and help buy down their overhead so they can get going. We need to make it easy, and we need to do that wherever there is enough population to be able to justify it.
I think we should locate them close to where the market is. In Calgary we have a $40-billion-a-year oil and gas capital market. This is a good place to do things related to energy because clean tech ideas can be easily introduced here, and there's an immediate market for them. I don't think we should be trying to do things where there is no market because I don't think they'll eventually be successful. We need the market pull to get new ideas out and functioning at scale.
I think that's about all I have to say.
Thank you.