In the bulk storage, the larger scale, compressed air falls in that category. Some examples are existing mines, where the cavities underground are injected with air when there is a surplus of power in the system. When there is increased demand, then that pressure is released through generators and converted into renewable energy. Similar is pump storage. Using a mine as an example of that, using an open-pit iron mine, you pump the water up to the upper reservoir when there is too much surplus, and you turbine the water back down when you're in need, so it's a closed loop system.
There is some battery storage that is really on the verge of becoming larger scale in the hundreds of megawatts, but there are very few examples of that yet. There is no doubt it's going to get to that point at some time.
There is another technology called liquid air, where it's the same principle as compressed air, but it's much more compressed, a much more industrial type of system with tanks instead of using the cavern.
I could go on. There are lots of others.