Just quickly, we're going to try to do five things today: we're going to tell you who we are, tell you what we do, tell you why we really, really need you to care about us, tell you what we need you to do for us today to keep us in business, and then, of course, answer any questions you may have about us or our sector.
First, who are we? We were formed as a direct result of the softwood lumber dispute between Canada and the United States. As many of you may be aware, this dispute has been festering since the late 1800s. The most modern versions of this started again in 1982, which was called Lumber I. The dispute we're in right now is called Lumber V. I'm getting way too old to be doing this kind of stuff, and I really do not want to do Lumber VI.
During Lumber III, in 1991, our federal government was trying to make a quota deal to ensure access for Canadian softwood lumber into the U.S. marketplace for Canada's sawmill sector. What our government didn't consider, and didn't really know at the time, was that in addition to having a very vibrant sawmill sector, we also had a vibrant and thriving secondary or value-added sector. I was very pleased to hear the witness before talk a little bit about that and how important we are.
To make the point to the government at that time, and to educate them, we founded ALRO, the Association of Lumber Remanufacturers of Ontario. We are independently owned, which means we're not owned by any of the sawmills; we're not subsidiaries of anybody. Most of us are small to mid-sized family businesses, and as I said, we have no common ownership with the sawmills. Today we represent about 4,400 jobs in Ontario alone; and 20 years ago it was probably double that amount but through lumber disputes I through IV, that number has been slashed in half.
Next, what do we do? We do not go into the forest, cut down round trees from crown land, and saw them into square lumber. That is what the sawmills do. What remanufacturers do is purchase lumber at arm's length from these sawmills, usually their lowest-quality products, we bring them into our plants, and we process them into value-added products. When sawmills cut up a log, they try to manufacture the highest-quality lumber possible for the construction market. Because each tree is uniquely different, some yield excellent volumes of high-grade lumber and some yield very poor lumber. Every stick of that “poor” lumber, for want of a better term, has to be remanufactured into something. There's no use for it as is.
Very quickly—perhaps I could ask my partners there to bring out a few samples—with poor lumber like this you can see there's what we call “wane” on the edges. You could not sell this in a Home Depot or to a job site. We bring it through our saws and we cut it into a bunch of different sizes. We didn't want to bring a 20-foot-long piece in here, but we can cut it this way or cut it that way. You can see that some of the pieces in the middle here are beautiful high-value products. That way we add value to these products. Some of those products are being circulated as I speak.
Fourth, why should you care? You should care for a very simple reason: we create lots of jobs, as you can imagine, making all these little pieces of wood. Mills are, as somebody described them to me earlier today, spaghetti mills to a large degree. They're very automated, they're very quick, and they can ramp up production virtually without adding people today because they've invested so much in technology, which is great. We, on the other hand, touch every single piece, and the more pieces we produce, the more people we have to hire. There's a direct relationship between our volume going up and our payroll going up. We create stable jobs, in our case in southern Ontario very near the border, and, as I said, we offer very well-paying, stable jobs.
We're very environmentally friendly. Rather than ship this waste thousands of miles to be remanufactured somewhere else, we remanufacture it in Ontario, thereby reducing Ontario's carbon footprint while still creating jobs. We have zero waste. Whatever we can't use for these better pieces we cut into smaller pieces for industrial applications, creating boxes, pallets, and other articles. Everything else we chop up into mulch or chips, which is used for horse bedding and ends up sooner or later as garden fertilizer. We make garden mulch and all sorts of different things. We have huge potential for growth. We have huge potential to create more jobs and to add technology to get even better yields from each piece of wood.
However, ladies and gentlemen, we have a problem. It's less with the U.S. government, and more with the Canadian government. During the past 20 years of the softwood lumber dispute, the regulation of who can ship into the States or not has been heavily influenced by the provincial and federal natural resources departments. The natural resources departments, the people provincially who own the trees, work very closely with the Canfors, the West Frasers, the Tembecs—the large publicly traded mills, the Irvings, etc.—who harvest the trees. These are their constituents, and they work very closely with them. They have huge influence with them that we don't.
As a result, as remanufacturers we've gone through periods when we can ship into the United States and we've gone through periods when we literally cannot ship into the United States. Just try to keep your customers happy when government regulation will all of a sudden cause you to not be able to ship. We've gone through periods when due to Canadian government policy the sawmills, our suppliers, were actually incented to sell their products to U.S. remanufacturers at lower prices rather than sell to us, effectively exporting jobs.
We've gone through periods, such as from April 28 to August 26 of this year, when taxes by various companies were anywhere from 10% to 30%, and Ontario remanufacturers were paying over 50% duties. The gentleman who spoke before me mentioned that we get hit doubly, and he was absolutely right. Our duties were over 50%. This effectively closed the border to independent remanufacturers, while the sawmills continued to ship as prices rose. It's been fun.
I was in a meeting last Friday with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister Freeland. She called a meeting of 10 or 12 of Canada's largest sawmills, and I was the only pure remanufacturer in the room. According to the minister, she's trying very hard to put together a deal, possibly as soon as this week. That's why this meeting today is critical, and why we welcome the opportunity to speak to you.
Minister Freeland told us that there were two potential outcomes: a quota deal, or a prolonged legal dispute that could take up to five years to resolve. In the event of a legal dispute, under the same rules we were experiencing earlier this year, we would be stuck with duties of 50% or higher, depending on what numbers they come out with. The bottom line is that we would close our plants. Some of us would retire, and some of us would move our plants to the United States. Each option ends in one way for Canadian jobs, and that's badly.
The only way we could stay open, if there is again a duty environment, and if again the circumstances are such that we're paying 50%-plus duties, is if the Minister of Natural Resources, on your good advice, paid our duties and somehow helped us out to stay in business, period. Without that help, we shut our doors.
Minister Freeland has told us that in the event of a quota deal, it will be up to Minister Carr and his department—advised by all of you, I hope you know—to be in charge of allocating quota. That's why it's so important that we're here today to talk to you, the people who may be holding the future of our companies in your hands.
In the event of a quota deal, as we understand it by our best intelligence so far, it will be a deal where Canada can only ship a finite amount of lumber into the States. There will be no provisions, as there may have been in the past, where you could pay a duty to ship more. It will be a finite amount of wood. We need your help to make sure that we keep our plants open, grow them, grow our jobs, and invest in our people and machinery.
Here's what we need you to do. If you believe that adding value to our natural resources is important, we need you to help us advise Minister Carr of the following. In the event of a quota deal, we have a national pool of quota. Unlike sawmills who buy trees from a specific geographic area—you can only truck those trees so far—we purchase lumber from every province in Canada and we bring it into our plants in Ontario. We need the Minister of Natural Resources to allocate a percentage of the pool—I am not suggesting a number here, but I'll just pick 15% as an example—or two billion feet of wood that can be shipped into the U.S. by remanufacturers. Something like this, and again that's just a number for illustrative purposes only, would keep thousands and thousands of remanufacturing jobs in Canada, keep the waste in Canada, and also mean that Canada can use its quota most efficiently. Most importantly, it would allow us to know that we can't ship this month, you can ship next month, you might not be able to again in six months: you let us know that we have the ability to have a runway where we can ship, and we'll invest and show you value-added jobs coming out like you can't imagine.
We also recommend that the minister calculate this pool as a percentage rather than as a fixed number. Again, the intelligence we have is that we're going to be given a quota of the U.S. market. The number that happens to be thrown around is 28%. In other words, as the U.S. housing market grows, we'll be able to ship more because it will be 28% of a growing market. We need to know that we also are part of a growing market.
The third thing is that this pool be for certified independent lumber remanufacturers only. The definition of certified independent remanufacturers was clearly defined in the last agreement. The Americans have no problem with it. We propose no changes to it because we don't want to stir them up.
The overriding reason for these three asks is to keep jobs in Canada. If you take one thing away from this meeting, and one thing only, I hope it's that all low-grade lumber like this, that comes out of a sawmill, has to be turned into something. Do you want to export crude oil for refining, or would you rather add the value and have the value-added jobs in Canada? Do you want to export the logs that we were talking about, or do you want to export value-added products? Do you want to ship tomatoes or ketchup? In our case, would you rather export this or high-grade value-added lumber?
My colleagues and I have brought a notebook, a binder, for all of you with all sorts of documentation, because I couldn't get through it all in 10 minutes.