As I said, I think that if we process more of the lumber here.... I had a small forestry company that just took down trees. I had to add the next steps in house in order to be able to overcome some of my challenges, namely, keeping employees, versus the seasonality of logging or tree take-down.
Some of the solutions would be to add more of the processes, rather than just making the two-by-four. Make the two-by-four, and then take the two-by-four and turn it into something else within the industry to sell as a value-added product, not just as raw material.
We found from the take-down right up to building a high-end product and putting the tree in the ground, that we could keep the jobs and keep the guys busy. That was our best success—taking it to some of the further steps that we weren't doing. It takes five minutes to take down a tree. You have to take down a whole bunch of trees to survive the whole year; whereas a house takes six to eight months to build. That's where we found we could stay on site with a few trees, and we would be employed for a whole year.