I'm going to continue on with Monsieur Boies. I'll pick up on something you brought up in your exchange with Mr. Patzer, I believe. You brought up an example about being able to use green energy from green sources when you were doing your projects. You used a Suncor windmill example.
I have a small but very innovative and very old power plant in my riding. It's Silversmith Power in Sandon, B.C. I believe it's actually the oldest operating hydroelectric system in the world. It's totally green. It's feeds off five creeks, so it's run off the river. There are no dams involved, but it produces the same amount of electricity all year round.
Calgary Transit wanted to use this power to run their electric transit system, but they were unable to sell those green molecules. They wanted to sell their green electrons to Calgary, but were unable to and certainly were unable to get the value for them because they had to sell it into the BC Hydro grid.
I'm wondering how we can fix that. Is this a federal responsibility? Is it a provincial one? Is it a mix? Where is the regulatory change we need to make, so that projects like that can get a fair price for their green electrons?