Yes, enhanced oil recovery is when carbon that's pulled out of blue hydrogen production is then in turn transported to an oil reservoir and used to increase and recover oil out of the reservoir. That is happening right now, and much of the carbon coming down the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line is used for that purpose. That's the short term.
I think there are a number of studies that have been published—I don't have them offhand right now—that show the overall carbon balance of that activity. I can't remember what it was. I would like to say, though, that it's only one small portion of carbon capture and storage.
If you look at B.C.'s offshore, you'll see that we have very favourable salt formations, and Ocean Networks Canada, based out of the University of Victoria, is looking at going out, potentially next summer, and doing some pilot carbon capture and storage, where basically the carbon is mineralized into the salt formations.
The east coast of Canada has very similar geology as well, so there are some opportunities for carbon capture and storage that haven't yet been built out to scale and don't involve EOR or enhanced oil recovery.