Thank you very much for that question.
There are several aspects that I might highlight, but there is one in particular that I might want to shine a light on in the context of both this project and the recent projects that have been regulated by the CER. Certainly, the considerations around social, economic and environmental factors are a key part of any review that the CER will undertake in its project reviews. With its focus on life-cycle oversight, those same considerations remain true in our entire regulatory framework.
One element of the Trans Mountain project that I will highlight specifically—and I mentioned it in my opening remarks—is a quite innovative approach in the context of working with indigenous peoples in a different way. I mentioned the IAMC and, in the context of Trans Mountain, working in partnership with those impacted communities along the route.
I mention this because it actually has benefited our regulatory framework across Canada and is really with an eye to having those partnerships able to identify and take action on areas of concern that would have impacts not only on the environment but also in terms of cultural impacts, heritage resources and real implications in the long term of how these natural resources and infrastructure projects operate. I would say that's an innovative feature, but it's something that we've continued to employ—not only in the Trans Mountain context. We have adopted those best practices and are now incorporating them into our regulatory framework, which would apply to the companies that we regulate across the country.