I call the meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 13 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources. Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) the committee is continuing its study of a greenhouse gas emissions cap for the oil and gas sector.
Today is our eighth of nine meetings with witnesses for this study. The ninth will be next week, with the Minister of Natural Resources and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
We're going to be meeting in public today to hear from our witnesses until 4:30 p.m. We're meeting today in a hybrid format, pursuant to the House order of November 25, 2021. We are both in the room and participating remotely by Zoom. The webcast will always show the person speaking, rather than entire committee. I'd like to remind all participants that screenshots and taking photos of your screen while we are in session are not permitted. Today's proceedings will be televised and made available via the House of Commons website.
For a quick review of health and safety, we are still in a situation to which some health and safety rules apply, so we ask members to wear their masks if walking around the room. For anybody else in the room, please wear your mask unless eating or drinking.
For witnesses, and members joining remotely, I have a few quick points in order to ensure we have an orderly meeting today. First of all, interpretation services are available for the meeting. You have the choice at the bottom of your screen to choose floor, English or French audio. Members and witnesses may speak in the official language of their choice, and for any witnesses who may be new to the committee process, please speak at a natural, conversational speed. If we go too fast, it makes it very challenging for the interpreters to keep up, so don't feel that you need to pack everything into a very tight time frame. A nice, naturally paced conversation is appreciated.
For the members in the room, if you wish to speak, please raise your hand. Anybody joining remotely will have to use the “raise hand” function. Please wait until I recognize you by name before speaking, and if you're on Zoom, you will need to mute and unmute yourselves. In the room, it's controlled by our team here. A reminder that all comments by members and witnesses should be addressed through the chair.
For witnesses who may be new to the committee process, when we get into our questions and answers, each of the members is given a certain amount of time to lead the discussion. Often they have certain questions they want to direct to certain witnesses. You can use your “raise hand” feature. The members may or may not get to you. Sometimes they can be a bit abrupt, but that's not to be rude. It's just to get through their order of business to the questions they have, so please bear with us as we get into our meeting today.
I'd like to welcome our members, Ms. Khalid and Mr. McDonald, to the committee today. I think that's all of our guests.
With that, I'd like to introduce our witnesses on the study of a greenhouse gas emissions cap for the oil and gas sector.
First of all, we have Laurie Adkin, professor of political science, from the University of Alberta.
From the Clean Fuel Standard Advocates Coalition, we have Ian Thomson, chair, coordinating committee, and Bora Plumptre, secretary, coordinating committee.
From the National Coalition of Chiefs, we have Dale Swampy, president.
From the West Coast Environmental Law Association, we have Andrew Gage, staff lawyer.
Each person will have five minutes for their opening comments. I use a visual card system, so I'll give you the yellow card when there are 30 seconds left of your time, and the red card when the time is up. Don't stop mid-sentence, but wrap up your thoughts. We can move on to the next presenter, or panellist, as we move through this afternoon.
Ms. Adkin, you have five minutes for your opening comments.