Thank you. That's a great question.
There will be jobs in energy production, whether that's clean hydrogen or electricity transmission, etc. These are highly skilled and well-paid jobs. There will be jobs in transportation as well. I brought up the whole piece about transitioning to electric vehicles in the auto sector, and we're already seeing a huge number of jobs there, which is forecast to be growing.
Another area is buildings in terms of retrofits and installation of HVAC systems. There's actually the potential for enormous numbers of jobs for electricians and construction workers, etc., as we retrofit and renovate our building stock to be more efficient and transition it into cleaner sources of energy such as electric heat pumps and cooling systems.
Then there are a couple of other areas of jobs growth, as I mentioned, around batteries. I'm not able to provide you with exact numbers there from the mining sector for the critical metals and minerals up to refining. Canada could do more refining in order to feed into the cathode, anode and cell development and the building out of the whole battery supply, linking in with the auto sector. In the last six months, we've seen that Canada has actually really started to land some of those big projects and the jobs that go with them.
As is the case in the fossil fuel sector or any sector, when you're building clean energy projects, they create thousands of jobs in the construction phase and then they continue with ongoing jobs. There's been a report out of Iron and Earth in the U.S.—and I'm really keen for Iron and Earth in Canada do one as well—that shows that there's about a 90% skill transition between our existing energy workers and the clean energy workers of the future.
However, I do support exactly what was said around upskilling and helping position people for those jobs.