Good morning, everyone. I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 41 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee is meeting to hear from witnesses for its study of federal assistance for various natural resource industries. Today’s meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, pursuant to the House order of June 23, 2022.
For everyone participating today, neither screenshots nor photos of any sort are allowed now that we're in session.
For the benefit of witnesses and members, please wait until I recognize you by name before speaking. For those participating by video conference, click on the microphone icon to activate your mike, and please mute it when you're not speaking. There is interpretation available. You have the choice of the floor, English or French. That's on the bottom of your screen, for those participating remotely. For those in the room, you can.... Everybody in the room knows the drill.
All comments should be addressed through the chair.
For anyone wanting to join in the conversation, feel free to use the “raise hand” function. When we get into the questions and answers, I leave it very much to the member who has the floor to guide where they're directing their questions. I'm sure many of you have participated at committee before, but it goes pretty quickly, so the members may sometimes have to jump in and ask you to wrap up, so that they can move on to their next round of questioning.
All witnesses have completed the required connection tests.
Before we get started, I will point out that I use a handy card system. When you see the yellow card, there is 30 seconds left in the allotted time. The red card means that time's up. Wrap up your thoughts, but don't stop mid-sentence.
With that, we have seven participating organizations today. Thank you all for being here with us.
We'll have the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency go first with a five-minute opening statement, followed by Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, or CanNor, the Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario, the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, Prairies Economic Development Canada and, lastly, the Canada Energy Regulator. At that point, we will be moving to our rounds of questions.
I have been asked by members to conclude as close to one o'clock as possible. I have a bit of committee business—administrative tasks—relating to this study that I'd like to deal with, so I'll keep an eye on when we stop the questions and move to that. We should be able to get through close to two rounds of questions this morning.
With that, if we're ready to go, I will turn it over to the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency for their opening five-minute statement.
As you take the floor for each of your organizations, if you would like to introduce yourself and then go into your statements, that would be appreciated.
ACOA, the floor is yours. When you start speaking, I will start the clock for your five minutes.